Glass (Material Keyword)

Historic or prehistoric artifacts made from glass

326-350 (7,314 Records)

IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

no description provided

IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

no description provided

IMAGE Dean Snow.

no description provided

IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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3802 - Plan of Operation Proposed By George Hackford (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. A. Musser.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

A 3D Scan of a Large Lead Seal from the Port Dauphin Village site (1MB221), Mobile County, Alabama. (2000)
SENSORY DATA Graph Synergie.

A high-resolution 3D scan of a large British lead seal from the Port Dauphin Village site (1MB221) produced by Graph Synergie of Quebec and Montreal for the University of South Alabama Center for Archaeological Studies. These files can be viewed with Blender ( or GLC Player ( This lead seal was originally gilt.

40RD299, TN Faunal Data (2015)
DATASET Tanya Peres.

Ancient Native American use of caves in the Eastern Woodlands occurred throughout the entire span of regional prehistory; however, the ways that these natural features were used varied considerably over time. To date only 25 cave sites containing deposits dated to the Archaic period (ca. 10,000–3000 B.P.) are recorded in the state of Tennessee, representing just 0.4% of the total known Archaic sites. In 2014 the authors conducted a salvage operation, bucket auger survey, and limited testing at...

4E Images (1981)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Amanda Sacks

These are images pertaining to the 4E-2, 4E-28, 4E-29, and 4E-30 area surveys.

4E Survey
PROJECT University at Albany.

The 4E survey was two cultural resource management projects that were carried out during the planning stages of the Mohawk Valley Project in 1981. The two CRM projects were focused on the area along the Mohawk Barge Canal where canal engineers anticipated dumping dredging soil from the channel, which needed deepening to accommodate anticipated barge traffic. There were four areas surveyed, and they all were located in areas where the modern barge canal does not occupy the original Mohawk River...

4E Survey Catalog (1981)
DATASET Uploaded by: Amanda Sacks

This is an inventory of artifacts collected during the 4E survey.