Building Materials (Material Keyword)

Materials used for construction (e.g., brick, wood, adobe)

1,351-1,375 (5,396 Records)

The Bartlett Dam Project: Archaeological Test Excavations at Fourteen Sites in the Lower Verde Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gregory R. Seymour. Mark Slaughter. WIlliam L. Deaver. Richard V. N. Ahlstrom.

This report documents the results of a testing program completed by SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants in August of 1990 in anticipation of the modification of Bartlett Dam. Modifications to the dam were planned as part of the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) and the Safety of Dams Project. During the month of April, 1990, archaeologists from Northland Research, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of approximately 929 acres located on the Lower Verde River...

Bartlett Dam, Arizona: National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jim Bailey.

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) constructed Bartlett Dam on the Verde River from 1936 to 1939. The structure consists of the dam, the attached small valve/river outlet house, and the gated spillway. An auxiliary spillway built in the mid-1990s is non-contributing to the dam structure. Due to erratic stream flows, Bartlett Dam does not produce hydropower. Bartlett Dam exhibits statewide significance under Criteria A and C in the areas of Politics/Government, Engineering, and Community...

Barutif Raster (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This raster is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. All files associated with this record must be downloaded to ensure that the raster file opens...

Basalt Least Cost Path Final Map (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This final map project is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. The files contained in this record include an .mxd map project and an image of the...

Basalt Least Cost Path Final Map (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This final map project is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. The files contained in this record include an .mxd map project and an image of the...

Basketmaker III and Pueblo I Communities of Architectural Practice in the Chuska Valley, New Mexico
PROJECT Uploaded by: Kye Miller

This thesis investigates communities of architectural practice of Basketmaker III and Pueblo I period (AD 500-875) residents of the Chuska Valley in northwest New Mexico. The project files include the architectural database developed as part of the project and thesis.

Basketmaker III and Pueblo I Communities of Architectural Practice in the Chuska Valley, New Mexico (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kye Miller.

This research investigates communities of architectural practice of Basketmaker III and Pueblo I period (AD 500-875) residents of the Chuska Valley in northwest New Mexico to understand social networks and levels of interaction among groups throughout the Colorado Plateau of the American Southwest. Understanding social networks and migration patterns during the late Basketmaker and early Pueblo periods can provide insight into early population aggregation, population movement, and regional...

Basketmaker III and Pueblo I Communities of Architectural Practice in the Chuska Valley, New Mexico (2015)
DATASET Kye Miller.

This coded database contains architectural information of Basketmaker III and Pueblo I pit structures in the Chuska Valley, New Mexico. See Miller's 2015 thesis entitled "Basketmaker III and Pueblo I Communities of Architectural Practice in the Chuska Valley, New Mexico" (file also available on tDAR).

"The Battle Raged... with Terrible Fury": Battlefield Archeology of Pea Ridge National Military Park (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carl G. Carlson-Drexler. Douglas D. Scott. Harold Roeker.

Pea Ridge National Military Park is located in northwest Arkansas about 40 miles north-northwest of Fayetteville. The battlefield, located in Benton County, includes the 4,300-acre site of the battle. Pea Ridge National Military Park was created by act of Congress on July 20, 1956. The Civil War battle is the primary interpretative emphasis of the park. However, several prehistoric sites have been documented within the park boundaries as well. Human occupation of northwestern Arkansas began...

BC1995_STR.4_Lot_Forms (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms_Notes

BC_1993 (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms_Notes

BC_1995_Str.13_Courtyard (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms_Notes

BC_Op.4 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms_Notes

BC_Op.6 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms_Notes

BC_Str.15_24_28_1993 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.19_Courtyard_1994 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.1_1st_Op.1 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.1_1stOp.1 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.1_2nd_Op.1 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.1_2ndOp.1 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.1_3rd_Op.1 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.1_3rdOp.1 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.1_4thOp.1 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.1_Op.4 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms

BC_Str.7_Area_1994 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Reichardt.

Field Forms