Late Prehistoric (Other Keyword)
1-25 (60 Records)
During the Late Prehistoric period in the central Allegheny Valley of Western Pennsylvania, at least four major lithic raw material types were used for the manufacture of a limited variety of tool types. The major tool forms were small triangular projectile points and flake tools. The major raw material types used in this region include Onondaga, Loyalhanna, and Shriver cherts and Vanport Siliceous Shale. Workshops and quarries have been identified have been identified for these materials and...
Appendix 10.2: Obsidian (2012)
Distribution of obsidian in the Arkansas City project collection. Source, as determined by x-ray diffraction, provided when known.
Appendix 10.3: Turquoise (2012)
Turquoise from the Arkansas City project sites.
Appendix 11.10. Provenience and Comparisons of Cord-Marked Sand-Tempered Shards (2012)
Appendix 11.10. Provenience and comparisons of cord-marked sand-tempered sherds, from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 11.11. Provenience of Balls, Coils and Lumps of Clay (2012)
Appendix 11.11. Provenience of balls, coils and lumps of clay from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 11.1: Provenience of Pinch Pot Sherds (2012)
Provenience of pinch pot sherds, Arkansas City project
Appendix 11.2: Provenience of Modified Jar Sherds (2012)
Provenience of modified jar sherds from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 11.3: Proveneince of Scored and Broken Sherds (2012)
Provenience of scored and broken sherds from the Arkansas City project.
Appendix 11.4: Provenience of Punctated Sherds (2012)
Provenience of punctated sherds from the Arkansas City project.
Appendix 11.5: Provenience of Incised and Trailed Sherds (2012)
Provenience of incised and trailed sherds from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 11.6: Shell Tempered Cord-marked Sherds (2012)
Proveniences of shell-tempered cord-marked sherds from the Arkansas City Project
Appendix 11.7. Provenience of Red-Slipped Sherds (2012)
Provenience of red-slipped sherds from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 11.8. Provenience of Shell-Tempered Caddoan Sherds (2012)
Provenience of shell-tempered Caddoan sherds from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 11.9. Provenience and Comparisons of Plain Sand-Tempered Sherds (2012)
Provenience and comparisons of plain sand-tempered sherds from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 13.1. Indentifiable and non-identifiable fauna. (2012)
Appendix 13.1. Identifiable and non-identifiable fauna from the Arkansas City project.
Appendix 13.2: MNE and MNI by site and by species (2012)
MNE and MNI by site and by species from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 13.3: Butchering marks by site and species (2012)
Butchering marks by site and species from the Arkansas City project
Appendix 13.4. Use Classification of Selected Features Based on Faunal Remains. (2012)
Use classification of selected features from the Arkansas City project based on faunal remains.
Appendix 15.1. Macroscopic archaeobotanical remains (2012)
Macroscopic archaeobotanical remains from the Arkansas City project.
Appendix 41.1. Shell by Depth. (2012)
Shell by depth from the Arkansas City project.
Appendix 7.1, Feature descriptions and dimensions (2012)
Feature descriptions and dimensions from the Arkansas City project. Features included in the sample chosen for analysis are indicated by bold type.
Appendix 8.1: All artifact classes, all features (2012)
Full tally of artifacts by feature
Appendix 8.3: Feature Plan Views and Cross-Sections. (2012)
Feature Plan Views and Cross-Sections.
Appendix10.1: Distribution of Nonlocal Stone, Debitage and Tools (2012)
Distribution of Nonlocal Stone, Debitage and Tools
Archaeological and Biological Reconnaissance of the Perrin Property TPM 16720; EAD Log #80-9-46 (1980)
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