Archaic (Other Keyword)

551-574 (574 Records)

Valley of No Masters: Exchanging Experiences at the Valley of the Masters, Northeastern Brazil (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniela Klokler. Fernando Almeida.

Field schools, and Methods and techniques in Archaeology classes are mandatory steps to achieve Master’s or a PhD degree in most graduate programs in Brazil. We, as instructors noticed a certain mismatch in students’ behavior in regard to decision-making in both situations: reticence during field activities, boldness during class discussions and debates. This dichotomy seemed to be related to field experiences in which the students had fewer opportunities to engage with other "more...

Variability in Site Usage: a Comparison of Sites 16RA1758 and 16RA1811 in Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Boudreaux. Matthew Helmer. John Mayer. Rachel Feit.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 2020, unauthorized excavations and Hurricanes Laura and Delta extensively damaged sites 16RA1758 and 16RA1811 on the Calcasieu Ranger District of Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana. To address the adverse impacts and gain a deeper understanding of pre-contact lifeways, Kisatchie National Forest initiated comprehensive excavations at both sites....

Variation in the Configuration of the Middle Snake River and its Relationship to Prehistoric Fishing Site Locations (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joseph Wardle.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology on the Edge(s): Transitions, Boundaries, Changes, and Causes" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The configuration of the various elements of a river system can have significant impacts on the availability, abundance, and nutritional profitability of aquatic organisms utilized as food by groups of human foragers. These factors may have influenced where and when Late Archaic foragers decided to fish along the...

Vegetation Change at Poverty Point, Louisiana (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Scharf.

This paper presents pollen data as a proxy of past vegetation at Poverty Point, a large Archaic mound site in northeast Louisiana. The paleoecological focus of this presentation revolves around the rate and nature of change over time. Patterns and changes in taxonomic diversity are presented and discussed in light of environmental productivity. The rate of vegetation change is calculated and related to ecosystem stability. Additionally, changes in individual taxonomic representation are examined...

The VerHage Site: A Late Archaic Seasonal Village located in Wallkill Drainage of Southeastern New York. (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Derrick Marcucci. Susan Gade. Antonio Martinez Tunon.

In summer 2017 Landmark Archaeology, Inc. conducted data recovery excavations at four Late Archaic sites in southeastern New York within the Wallkill drainage near the town of Goshen. Excavations at the VerHage Site, a Late Archaic Lamoka Phase (ca. 3000-2500 BC) site and the largest of the four investigated sites, identified pit features, post-molds and house patterns, yielded a large lithic assemblage, and found glacial erratics used for food processing and tool production. The recovery of a...

Violence or Funerary Ritual? Performances of Life and Death in the Middle and Late Archaic Period of North Alabama (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Diana Simpson.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This study takes a holistic biocultural approach to re-conceptualize the forms and patterns of violence taking place at two neighboring Archaic Period shell mound sites on the Tennessee River in North Alabama, Mulberry Creek (1CT27) and Little Bear Creek (1CT8). Bioarchaeological documentation was supplemented by archival records in an attempt to...

Virtual Reality and Archaeological Practice (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Blackwood.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Virtual reality (VR) is a tool that offers an opportunity to approach archaeological analyses and communications through a different lens. VR provides a platform where data can be continuously updated and modified as is becomes available as well as adding an element of interactivity. VR allows the user to engage with a simulated environment, walk around,...

The Walker Lake Landscape: Combining Geophysical Studies to Clarify Regional Change and the Archaeological Record (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Neil Puckett.

This is an abstract from the "Advances in Global Submerged Paleolandscapes Research" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The high desert basin surrounding Walker Lake, Nevada, has been subject to multiple landscape shifts since the lake reached its Late Pleistocene highstand, 15,679 cal BP. Research has identified at least four lake transgression and regression events postdating 5000 BP, and after its nineteenth-century historic highstand, the lake has...

Walking the Footwear Landscape on the Western Plains Margin: The Implications of 3,500 Years of Footwear from Franktown Cave, Colorado (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin Gilmore. John Ives.

This is an abstract from the "Approaches to Archaeological Footwear" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Franktown Cave (5DA272) on the Palmer Divide south of Denver contains an assemblage of perishable artifacts unrivaled on the western Great Plains, and among these perishables is footwear from occupations dated 3300 BC–AD 1280. The footwear has proven to be the most useful for determining regional and cultural associations. Most of the analysis of...

Weediness: Modern, Historic, and Prehistoric Plants at Poverty Point, LA (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Scharf.

With construction beginning about 3,700 years ago, Poverty Point (16WC5) in northeast Louisiana is one of the earliest and largest sites of its kind in the United States. What were conditions like when people began constructing the mounds? What kind of environment did they live in? How did this change (or not change) over time? This poster presents lithological and palynological evidence covering the period before, during, and after prehistoric occupation at this site. Comparing and...

Were the Fiber-Tempered Sherds from Claiborne (22Ha201) Made at the Site? (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Hays. Richard Weinstein. Steve Tomka. Robert Tykot.

This is an abstract from the "*SE Not Your Father’s Poverty Point: Rewriting Old Narratives through New Research" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This presentation discusses the preliminary results of our study concerning fiber-tempered sherds from six loci in the Southeast in order to determine if any of the fiber-tempered pottery found at Claiborne, a Poverty Point culture site in coastal Mississippi, were made locally or imported. We analyzed...

Wetland Maize Farming by 6000 BP Gave Way to Upland Farming with the Rise of Ancient Maya Settlements and Political Centers (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Keith Prufer. Megan Walsh. Nadia Neff. Amy Thompson. Douglas Kennett.

This is an abstract from the "2023 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of Timothy Beach Part I" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent research in the American neotropics suggests that cultivation of plants for food began early in the Middle Holocene (ca. 7500 BP) and continued for millennia prior to the adoption of surplus agricultural production of domesticated staple foods by 5000 BP in South America and 4000 BP in the Maya lowlands. Data...

What Happened to the Victims? Constructing a Model of Care for Cranial Trauma from Non-lethal Violence at Carrier Mills, Illinois (8000 – 2500 BP) (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alecia Schrenk.

This is an abstract from the "Systems of Care in Times of Violence" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A different model of care is required for trauma resulting from non-lethal violence. In the prehistoric Midwest, raiding and warfare were endemic, making trauma from non-lethal violence a part of everyday life. As such, the peoples living in this region would have needed a model of care specifically designed to treat individuals suffering from...

What Makes a Home? Searching for Wetus in Archaic New England (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Erin Flynn.

Archaic Period dwellings have largely gone unnoticed in New England due to poor preservation and thousands of years of bioturbation. However, a concentration of post molds, large and small pits, and fire hearths uncovered at the Halls Swamp Site in southeastern Massachusetts are attributes that characterize, and have been associated with, the few Native American semi-subterranean dwellings identified in New England. Recognizing structural attributes is essential for understanding Native American...

When Good Projects Go Well: A Partnered Project in Southern Oregon between the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, a Private Land Owner, and Associated Federal Agencies (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica Curteman. Cheryl Pouley. Daniel Snyder. Chris Bailey. Briece Edwards.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. When a private landowner consistently finds artifacts on their property and wants to be open to outside research opportunities, it can be difficult to find the funds necessary for a thorough cultural resource inventory when there is no development project associated. Encouraging education as a tool to promote advocates for the cultural resources, developing...

Where Power, Policy, and Practice Intersect: Archaeology within Block Island’s Great Salt Pond Archaeological District (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joseph (Jay) Waller, Jr..

This is an abstract from the "Power to the People: Cultural Resource Investigations along Utility Lines Giving a Voice to Past and Present Communities" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Block Island Wind Farm, the nation’s first offshore wind project, was the first in a series of significant renewable energy projects proposed along the southern New England coast. At only five wind turbines, the Project served as a unique pilot study that required...

Where You Least Expect It: A Preliminary Report on Excavations at 26EK16689 (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul Santarone. William Eckerle. Katherine Puseman. Kenneth Cannon.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Site 26EK16689 is a multiple component open archaeological site near West Wendover, Nevada, approximately three miles from Danger Cave. Despite a history of inundation, ground disturbance, and generally rough treatment, excavations have shown that site 26EK16689 preserves extensive and intact cultural deposits with good organic preservation. In addition,...

White Caps and Laptops: Results from the 2019 and 2020 Surveys of Submerged Precontact Landscapes in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda Evans. Louise Tizzard. Megan Metcalfe. Alexandra Herrera-Schneider.

This is an abstract from the "Advances in Global Submerged Paleolandscapes Research" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Sea-level rise models since the last glacial maximum demonstrate that the North American landmass available for precontact human habitation was larger than at present. In the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, less than 1 m2 of the continental shelf has been sampled and tested archaeologically. Out of 106 sediment cores acquired for...

The White Shaman Mural: The Story Behind the Book (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kim Cox. Carolyn Boyd.

The prehistoric hunter-gatherers of the Lower Pecos Canyonlands created some of the most spectacular rock art of the ancient world. Perhaps the greatest of these masterpieces is the White Shaman mural. This presentation provides an introduction to our recently-published book The White Shaman Mural: An Enduring Creation Narrative, which is one of the most comprehensive analyses of a rock art mural ever attempted. Drawing on twenty-five years of archaeological research and analysis, as well as...

Why Do We Farm?: Risk Assessment of the Foraging Farming Transition in North America (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Melissa Torquato.

The evolution of the genus Homo is characterized by the emergence of numerous biological and cultural traits including bipedalism, encephalization, and language. A more recent adaptation led humans to transition from a foraging subsistence strategy to one based on farming. This is significant because foraging persisted for approximately 95% of human existence until farming emerged about 12,000 years ago. For nearly a century, anthropologists have studied the foraging-farming transition and...

Willamette Valley Project Overview: Using Subbottom Profiling, Coring, Augering, Geomorphic Mapping, and Regional Archaeological Data to Inform Sensitivity Modeling and Archaeological Research Design in the Willamette Basin, Oregon (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Teresa Wriston. JD Lancaster. Jillian Maloney. James Futty Jr.. Loren Davis.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) manages the Willamette Valley Project, a system of thirteen dams and associated reservoirs in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Environmental settings of these thirteen project areas vary by elevation, substrate, vegetation, and other characteristics, but all are located along major rivers draining into the...

The World as His Oyster: Our Journey with Alan Simmons (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sharon Debowski. David Doyel.

This is an abstract from the "Pushing the Envelope, Chasing Stone Age Sailors and Early Agriculture: Papers in Honor of the Career of Alan H. Simmons" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Our journey with Alan Simmons began in Tucson, Arizona as graduate students at different institutions working for the Arizona State Museum. Through time we grew together personally and professionally and maintained contact even though often separated by space. Alan...

Written in Stone: 10,000 Years of Activity at the Acushnet LNG Site (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristen Jeremiah. Dianna Doucette.

The Acushnet LNG Site is a multicomponent Native American campsite located along the Brayton Point peninsula in southeastern Massachusetts. Brayton Point extends into the Mount Hope Bay, at the confluence of two major rivers - the Lee and Taunton rivers - an area with numerous documented Native American campsites and ceremonial sites. Cultural resource management investigations identified an extensive archaeological site, measuring a minimum of 71,000 square meters, that was occupied from the...

Yuzanu 36, a Late Archaic Site in the Mixteca Alta (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Aleksander Borejsza. Arthur Joyce. Jon Lohse. Isabel Rodríguez López.

We report the discovery and excavation of a site radiocarbon-dated to 3000 BC near the village of Yanhuitlan in Oaxaca. The site is buried under alluvium at a depth of 5m. At the time of its occupation it was situated on the floodplain of a large seasonal stream. The excavation of 30m2 revealed several superimposed features, including hearths, small refuse pits, and a bell-shaped pit. Debitage of different varieties of chert is ubiquituous, as is heat-spalled rock of different lithologies....