Milky Quartz Tertiary Core reduction Flake (Other Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
"In December 2008 and January 2009, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the Lee Nuclear Station on-site utilities. This survey includes the proposed wastewater line, on-site transmission lines, construction spoils area, and construction rebar laydown area within the Lee Nuclear Station in Cherokee County, South Carolina. These investigations included background research, archaeological survey, and architectural survey. The work was...
Cultural Resources Survey of the North Columbia Quarry Tract (2010)
"Between April 20 and May 1, 2009, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 315 uplands acres of the 508-acre North Columbia Quarry project tract in Richland County, South Carolina. The project tract was divided into 315 acres of uplands, consisting of ridges and drainages, and 193 acres of the Broad River and Nipper Creek floodplains. Geoarcheology Research Associates conducted the geoarchaeological survey of the floodplains. This work was...
North Columbia Quarry Tract Survey
All archaeological gray literature held within the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthroplogy relating to the North Quarry Tract in Richland County, South Carolina.