Navy (Other Keyword)
1-25 (340 Records)
1981-1983 Survey of Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland.
Analysis and Statistics, Harper's Creek Survey, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2000)
This resource contains artifact analysis and statistical data from the Phase I excavations at Harper's Creek, Maryland. This resource was originally an Excel spreadsheet, but was converted to a PDF because of errors in the original file.
Analysis of Faunal remains from the Posey Site (18CH281) (1998)
This report describes and interprets a collection of faunal remains from the Posey Site (18CH281) in Charles County, Maryland. In 1996, archaeologists from the Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum excavated more than 500 shovel test pits and 37 1.5 x 1.5 meter test excavation units to delimit site boundaries and determine the integrity and significance of the site. These excavations recovered a large artifact collection and approximately 4000 faunal remains. This report covers a subset of the...
Archaeological Investigation, East Land Range No. 1, Naval Recreation Center Solomons (2008.027)
This project contains artifact catalogs, excavation photographs, and photograph records for salvage investigations of site 18STX87 located at East Land Range No. 1, Naval Recreation Center Solomons, Calvert County, Maryland
Archaeological Investigations at the Posey Site (18CH281) and 18CH282 Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (2005.012)
The two sites were located and initially tested during a survey of limited portions of the facility in 1985. At that time, the Posey Site was interpreted as a probable Contact Period deposit thought to date from ca. 1600 A.D. to an unknown terminal point. Several intact subsurface features were discovered, one of which yielded material radiocarbon dated to 1575 +/- 90 years A.D. The fieldwork conducted during the present investigation consisted of the excavation of 510 shovel test pits and 37...
Archaeological Investigations at the Posey Site (18CH281) and 18CH282 Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Charles County, Maryland (1999)
This report summarizes the results of a program of background research, archaeological fieldwork, and analysis conducted for the Department of Natural Resources of the Indian Head Division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Charles County Maryland. The subject of the project was the Posey Site (18CH281) and 18CH282, two archaeological sites located near Mattawoman Creek aboard the Surface Warfare Center. The investigation was undertaken by the Maryland Historical Trust’s Southern Maryland...
Archaeological Survey Logs, Phase I Archaeological Resources Inventory, Naval Recreation Center Solomons (1995)
This record contains survey logs associated with phase I investigations at the Naval Recreation Center Solomons, Calvert County, Maryland.
Archaeology Field Survey Reports Contributed by BLM, Arcata, CA Field Office
This project includes Archaeology Field Survey Reports contributed by the Bureau of Land Management's, Arcata, California field office.This initial contribution will establish a regional digital archive project whose goal is to accumulate heritage documents, greatly enhancing our ability to preserve historic resources within the North Coast Region.
Archeological Survey of Proposed Gulf Coast Strategic Homeporting Initiative at Galveston, Texas (1987)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
Architectural Images, Susquehanna, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (1989)
This resource contains a collection of photographs of the historic house and dairy house structures at Susquehanna, Maryland (18ST399). It also contains photographs of Rousby cemetery.
Area B Survey Maps, Phase I Archaeological Resources Inventory, Naval Recreation Center Solomons (1995)
This record contains hand-drawn survey maps associated with phase I investigations at the Naval Recreation Center Solomons, Calvert County, Maryland.
Area Photographs, Proposed US Navy Academy Rugby Field, Greenbury Point (2005)
This record contains site area photographs for the proposed US Navy Academy Rugby Field, North Severn River Complex near Greenbury Point, Maryland. NO additional information exists for these photographs.
Artifact Analysis for Plowzone Collections, 18ST233, Webster Field Annex (2014)
This record contains an analysis for artifacts collected in the plowzone for site 18ST233, a site excavated during phase II archaeological investigations at Old Chapel Field, Maryland.
Artifact Analysis for Plowzone Collections, 18ST329, Webster Field Annex (2014)
This record contains an analysis for artifacts collected in the plowzone for site 18ST329, a site excavated during phase II archaeological investigations at Old Chapel Field, Maryland.
Artifact and Survey Photographs, Phase I Investigations, United States Naval Academy Dairy Farm (2008)
This record contains artifact and survey photographs for sites identified during phase I investigations, United States Naval Academy Dairy Farm, Maryland.
Artifact Catalog Codes and Analysis Methods, Naval District Washington, Section 110 Surveys (2006)
This record contains artifact catalog codes and methods for sites identified during the Section 110 Surveys of the U.S. Naval Observatory, Naval District Washington, Washington D.C.
Artifact Catalog Codes and Analysis Methods, Phase I Investigations, Nebraska Avenue Complex (2010)
This record contains artifact catalog codes and artifact analysis methods for phase I investigations of sites 51NW228 and IA4520, Nebraska Avenue Complex, Washington D.C.
Artifact Catalog Codes and Analysis Methods, Phase I Survey and Predictive Model Testing, Naval Support Facility Indian Head (2012)
This record contains artifact catalog codes and methods for sites identified during phase I archaeological survey and predictive model testing, Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Maryland. These codes and methods correspond to the artifact inventory located here:
Artifact Catalog Codes and Analysis Methods, Phase I Survey at the Posey Site, Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Charles County, Maryland (2012)
This record contains artifact catalog codes and methods for site 18CH281 identified during a phase I survey at the Posey Site, Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Charles County, Maryland.
Artifact Catalog Codes and Analysis Methods, Phase II Investigations, Washington Navy Yard (2010)
This record contains artifact catalog codes and artifact analysis methods for site 51SE66 identified during phase II investigations, Washington Navy Yard, Washington D.C.
Artifact Catalog Codes and Methods, Site 51SW7, Bellevue Housing Complex, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Washington, DC (2010)
This record contains artifact catalog codes and artifact analysis methods for site 51SW7, identified during phase I and II investigations, Bellevue Housing Complex on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Washington, D.C.
Artifact Catalog Codes and Methods, Sites 51NW179 and 51NW180, US Naval Observatory (2010)
This record contains artifact catalog codes and artifact analysis methods for sites 51NW179 and 51NW180, identified during phase II investigations, US Naval Observatory, Washington D.C.
Artifact Catalog Codes, Methods and Box Inventory, Outlying Areas, Webster Field Annex (2011)
This record contains an artifact code sheet, cataloging methods, and box inventory for phase I investigations at sites 18ST571, 18ST848, 18ST849, and 18ST850, Outlying Areas, Webster Field Annex, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland.
Artifact Catalog Codes, Methods and Box Inventory, P-140, Webster Field Annex (2011)
This record contains an artifact code sheet, cataloging methods, and box inventory for phase II investigations at sites 18ST333, 18ST334, and 18ST373, PAX Webster Field, P-140, Maryland.
Artifact Catalog Codes, Phase II Investigation, Webster Field Annex (2012)
This record contains an artifact code sheet for 18ST331, 18ST353, 18ST362, 18ST365, and 18ST637 identified during phase II investigations, CJC 2023E, Webster Field Annex, Maryland.