Smoke Grenades (Other Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

Artifact Catalog, Site 44PG185, Fort Lee (1993)
DATASET William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research.

Catalog of artifacts excavated at site 44PG185 located at Fort Lee, Virginia.

Phase II Archaeological Evaluation of 44PG185 Proposed Route 630 Widening Project, Fort Lee (FL1993.001)
PROJECT Dennis B. Blanton. Donald W. Linebaugh.

The College of William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research (WMCAR) conducted a Phase II archaeological evaluation of Site 44PGl8S, associated with the proposed Route 630 Widening Project in Prince George County, Virginia, from March 8 through March 16, 1993. This evaluation was conducted in accordance with an agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Project 0630-074-188, es01, B632. Although the site has been subjected to several episodes of disturbance, as...

A Phase II Archaeological Evaluation of Site 44PG185, Proposed Route 630 Widening Project, Prince George County, Virginia (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stevan C. Pullins. Dennis B. Blanton.

The College of William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research (WMCAR) conducted a Phase II archaeological evaluation of Site 44PGl85, associated with the proposed Route 630 Widening Project in Prince George County, Virginia, from March 8 through March 16, 1993 (Figure 1). This evaluation was conducted in accordance with an agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Project 0630-074-188, C501, B632. The evaluation was carried out under the general supervision of Dennis...