Housing Area 3 (Other Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Letter from Stan Graves to Richard Strimel, Housing Area 3 Central Air Conditioner Installation for 43 Units, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

This letter confirms the Texas Historical Commission's position on the installation of new central HVAC systems in Housing Area 3 at Fort Sam Houston. One of the Commission’s primary goals in this project is to preserve the character of public spaces in these historic homes as much as possible. This goal can be realized by installing all HVAC ductwork for service to the first floor in the basement and crawl space areas. This can be achieved through a sealed duct system or by laying a mud slab in...

Response from Stan Graves to Richard Strimel, Correction of Surface Drainage Housing Area 3, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Teresa Kinsey. Stanley O. Graves.

This letter from the Texas Historical Commission is in response to Fort Sam Houston's 95% design drawings and specifications for the project of correction of surface drainage in Housing Area 3. Listed are several concerns regarding the project, as well as recommendations. Carbon copied to this correspondence is Michael Hilger and Dan Prikryl.

Response from Stan Graves to Richard Strimel, Housing Area 3 Improvements, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves. Teresa Kinsey.

Fort Sam Houston submitted to the Texas Historical Commission a 90% design phase drawings for modifications to housing in Artillery Post. The project scope has been reduced to cover HVAC, kitchen, bathroom, and storage remodeling. The Commission concurs with Fort Sam Houston’s determination of No Adverse Effect for this project. Carbon copied to this letter is Michael Hilger.

Response from Stan Graves to Richard Strimel, Housing Area 3 Proposed Modifications and Design Analysis, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Comments contributed by the Texas Historical Commission regarding Fort Sam Houston's submittal of a design analysis of proposed work in Housing Area 3, part of the National Historic Landmark District.