Old River Bed Delta (Other Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

Data Recovery Excavations at the Hello Site (42TO5136), Utah Test and Training Range-South, Tooele County, Utah (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Daron Duke. D. Craig Young. Angela Younie. Ashley Parker. Lucas Martindale Johnson.

Far Western, through subcontract with Argonne National Laboratory, conducted data recovery excavations at the Hello site (42TO5136) between July 11th and 21st, 2022. In total, 4.2 cubic meters of sediment were excavated, but no artifacts were found intact in the subsurface. A presumed hearth identified in 2017 was demonstrated to be a thin layer of naturally deposited charcoal upon excavation. Although no hearth was found, effort supports the initial interpretation of the Hello site as a...