CA-SBA-219 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

[SHPO-CON-496] Re: Gaseous Natural Gas Pipeline for Space Transportation System Power Plant (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text California State Historic Preservation Office.

This document is a letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office regarding the Gaseous Natural Gas Pipeline for Space Transportation System Power Plant Project. The SHPO provides several comments in this letter that are explicitly presented as 4 groups of documents. The first addresses the eligibility for sites CA-SBA-549 and -2146. The second addresses the Air Force's project determination of no adverse effect. The third relates to the survey, testing, and evaluation of...

VAFB-1985-27: Field Notes and Field Maps Compiled During the Union Oil Project Archaeological Surface Survey and Limited Subsurface Testing Done Along the Proposed Routes, Santa Barbara County, CA. (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert O. Gibson.

This document includes documents that were produced as part of the Union Oil Project/ Exxon Project Shamrock and Central Santa Maria Basin Area Study EIS/EIR. They are support material of fieldwork conducted for and related to the Technical Appendix G, Cultural Resources, March 18, 1985. Prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc, Santa Barbara, CA.