[SHPO-CON-496] Re: Gaseous Natural Gas Pipeline for Space Transportation System Power Plant


This document is a letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office regarding the Gaseous Natural Gas Pipeline for Space Transportation System Power Plant Project. The SHPO provides several comments in this letter that are explicitly presented as 4 groups of documents. The first addresses the eligibility for sites CA-SBA-549 and -2146. The second addresses the Air Force's project determination of no adverse effect. The third relates to the survey, testing, and evaluation of sites for the power plant. Lastly, the fourth is related to the interim report that focuses on the testing and evaluation of thirteen archaeological sites on South Vandenberg Air Force Base. The letter then states that the latter two documents will not be further discussed in this letter because they have already been addressed previously. The remainder of the letter supports the determinations that CA-SBA-549 and -2146 are eligible for inclusion in the National Register. Next the letter addresses the project determination of no adverse effect. The letter reiterates that a redesign of the project avoided impacts to CA-SBA-219, -921, -1908, -2147, -2154 and the SHPO concurs that no evaluation of these resources is required. The letter concludes that the treatment plan for the project is adequate and the SHPO concurs with the project determination of no adverse effect to historic properties.

Cite this Record

[SHPO-CON-496] Re: Gaseous Natural Gas Pipeline for Space Transportation System Power Plant. California State Historic Preservation Office. 1988 ( tDAR id: 501550) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501550

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