LA 64785 (Site Name Keyword)

1-6 (6 Records)

Class II Survey and Testing of Cultural Resources at the Melrose Air Force Range, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Christoper Lintz. Karen Kramer. Amy Earls. W. Nicholas Trierweller. Terry Del Bene. John C. Acklen. Fred Nials. Jack Bertram.

Two phases of a Class II survey for cultural resources on 9,940 acres at the Melrose Air Force Range (MAFR), including geomorphic assessment, oral history interviews and archival research, were performed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on behalf of the USAF, for the development of a cultural resource management plan for MAFR. A total of 62 sites and 195 isolated occurrences was recorded during survey, and limited archaeological excavations were conducted at eight prehistoric sites. In Phase...

LA 64785 Site Report (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 64785. This site has only been assigned an Unspecified Prehistoric period. Site 64785 represents a limited use or special use site. This site is not eligible for the NRHP.

Melrose Air Force Range Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the Melrose Air Force Range cultural heritage resources collection.

National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Evaluation of 77 Archaeological Sites on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico, Final Report (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jennifer Kimbell. Timothy B. Graves. Robert DeBry. Antonio DeCunzo. Bennett Kimbell. Lillian Ponce.

This report summarizes the NRHP eligibility assessment of 71 previously recorded archaeological sites on Melrose Air Force Range. The original contract included 91 sites; 12 of the 91 sites, however, fall within prohibited impact zones in the central portion of the MAFR. Versar evaluated the NRHP eligibility of the 77 sites on the basis of additional field documentation that included assemblage content, context, and integrity, and, in certain instances, limited subsurface testing. Each site was...

National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Testing of Ten Sites on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Geo-Marine, Inc..

From April 27 through May 13, 2004, archaeologists from Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI) conducted subsurface testing at ten prehistoric archaeological sites located on Melrose Air Force Range (MAFR). Three other sites had initially been chosen for testing, but field searches of the areas could not locate these resources. This report documents the testing program undertaken for evaluating the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of ten previously recorded archaeological sites, located...

Technical Work Plan for National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Evaluation of 91 Archaeological Sites on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Versar, Inc..

Work Plan for the NRHP evaluation of 91 sites, later reduced to 77.