National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Testing of Ten Sites on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico

Part of the Melrose Air Force Range Resources project

Author(s): Geo-Marine, Inc.

Year: 2005


From April 27 through May 13, 2004, archaeologists from Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI) conducted subsurface testing at ten prehistoric archaeological sites located on Melrose Air Force Range (MAFR). Three other sites had initially been chosen for testing, but field searches of the areas could not locate these resources. This report documents the testing program undertaken for evaluating the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of ten previously recorded archaeological sites, located on MAFR. Of these ten sites, two were recommended as eligible for inclusion on the NRHP (LA 83733 and LA 87372).

Cite this Record

National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Testing of Ten Sites on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico. Geo-Marine, Inc.. 2005 ( tDAR id: 460854) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8460854

Spatial Coverage

min long: -103.928; min lat: 34.196 ; max long: -103.67; max lat: 34.398 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager

Record Identifiers

U.S. Air Force Command Series Reports of Investigations No.(s): 29

GMI No.(s): 688EP

Delivery Order No.(s): 0055, 0062

Contract No.(s): DACA63-99-D-0010

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager