12Fu141 (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 103 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for archaeological resources in Fulton County, Indiana for a FY2017 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #18-17FFY-04). This Historic Preservation Fund Grant project included the investigation of the archaeological resources of Fulton County,...
ROI103, An Archaeological Survey of Fulton County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region (2018)
The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for archaeological resources in Fulton County, Indiana for a FY2017 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #18-17FFY-04). This Historic Preservation Fund Grant project included the investigation of the archaeological resources of Fulton County, Indiana with a focus on four south-central townships (Henry, Liberty, Union, and Wayne), and General Land Office (GLO) sites in Rochester Township....