40FR471 (Site Name Keyword)
1-4 (4 Records)
Archaeological investigation in support of the proposed Duck River Electric Membership Corporation (DREMC) power pole replacement. Investigation included a review of the existing site records, pedestrian survey and visual inspection as well as shovel testing. Visual inspection and shovel testing produced evidence of a moderate to large sized undetermined prehistoric lithic scatter here which is recorded as 40FR504. This site will be fully investigated at a later date for final recommendations...
Archeological Assessments Report No. 300: Consultation with the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Officer for the Management of Cultural Resources within Selected Management Units at the Arnold Air Force Base (2003)
ACS/Conservation has proposed to conduct long term management activities in portions of the Arnold Air Force Base. These activities will be conducted within various Management Units designated for Forestry management and restoration efforts designed to assist in the restoration of Barrens ecological communities. Activities will include controlled burning, timber harvesting, reforestation, and selective tree removal which will result in ground disturbances. All affected Management Units have...
Final Report: Historic Archaeological Site Evaluation - Pre 1941 (2002)
This Report discusses the efforts made to complete the documentation of the nineteenth and twentieth century’s archaeological record at Arnold Air Force Base prior to the creation of Camp Forrest in 1941. This effort involved an examination of historic vintage aerial photographs and historic cartographic sources to note the locations of farms and facilities on Arnold Air Force Base prior to 1941. This was done by incorporating these sources into the ArcView GIS and plotting the locations of...
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along State Route 127 on Arnold Air Force Base (2013)
Summary of archaeological investigations in support of proposed road improvements for a section of for a section of State Route 127, including a small portion that extends onto Arnold Air Force Base (Arnold AFB). Investigations included a review of the existing site records, pedestrian survey, visual inspection and shovel testing. The records search indicated 11 sites located within one mile of the project area with two sites recorded in the immediate project location. All but one of these sites...