CGI-055-2 (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Cultural Resources Survey for an Access Road, Utility Corridor, and M60 Firing Range on Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1989)
Kirtland Air Force Base Project Metadata
Chambers Group, Inc. has completed a cultural resource survey on Kirtland Air Force Base for ancillary facilities associated with the Starfire Optical Research Facility. This survey encompassed a 59.7 acre survey for the access road, a 31.7 acre survey for a utility corridor, and a 87.4 acre survey for the new M60 Firing Range location. Three archaeological sites and 12 isolated occurrences were discovered within the three survey parcels. The sites consist of two historic mining loci containing...
Kirtland Air Force Base Project Metadata
Uploaded by: Charlene Collazzi
Project metadata for resources within the Kirtland Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.