The Hardiman Site (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
This report includes background and field research in advance of construction entailed in PIN 2016.77.101. Photographs were taken of the project area to illustrate any disturbances, as well as to document field conditions, and project area context. Prior co excavations, a walkover survey was done, with additional focus on areas where potential MDSs were located, according to historic map information. No foundations or other structural features were identified during this walkover survey. The...
PIN 2016.77.101
This project contains reports falling under PIN 2016.66.101 which include historical background research, and field evaluation of historical architecture in advance of construction under PIN 2016.77.101, as well as systematic archaeological field survey of the project area. The architectural survey identified four historical building properties are located within the project limits. All four have been evaluated as non-NRE properties older than fifty years. A total of 162 artifacts were...