King Site (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The geophysical survey of the King Site, 25DW 166, was conducted between June 13 and June 17, 2011 as part of the Midwest Archeological Center's technical assistance to the University of Colorado's archeological field school. The Midwest Archeological Center staff and student volunteers from the University of Colorado's archeological field school conducted the geophysical investigations of two locations within Site 25DW166 in Dawes County, Nebraska, as part of the archeological investigations of...
The King site (24PH2886) is located in the Little Rocky Mountains of north-central Montana. This site contains Pelican Lake components that have been consistently dated elsewhere between 2000 and 3500 BP. In addition, McKean Complex materials are noted that may be assigned to 3500 to 5000 BP. The upper cultural component is the Mortlach Composite, which commonly dates around AD 1600 to AD 1720. Pollen analysis was undertaken on two stratigraphic columns to provide information to identify past...