12HU1312 (Site Name Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

Artifact Database, Wabash Grant Huntington County (12HU1299-12HU1315) 2008 (2012)
DATASET Veterans Curation Program.

Normally, the VCP only processes USACE collections. The artifacts for Wabash Grant Huntington County (12HU1299–12HU1315) 2008 were originally thought to be USACE owned. The artifacts were processed at the VCP. Later communications between Ball State University collections manager, Christine Keller, Louisville District archaeologist, Jan Marie Hemberger, and MCX CMAC collections manager, Cathy Van Arsdale confirmed that this investigation was not owned by USACE. The investigation was related and...

Artifact Report, Wabash Grant Huntington County (12HU1299-12HU1315) 2008 (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joshua Weigler.

The Wabash Grant Huntington County (12HU1299–12HU1315) 2008 investigation was sent to the Veterans Curation Program’s (VCP) St. Louis laboratory in May 2011. The VCP St. Louis laboratory is an U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), St. Louis District Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections (MCX CMAC) program, which is staffed through Brockington and Associates, Inc., an archaeological contract firm located in Norcross, Georgia. The procedures...

ROI076, Archaeological Investigations in the Upper Wabash River Valley: A 2009 Survey in Huntington, Miami and Wabash Counties, Indiana (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrew Smith. Rachel Klabacka.

The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for threatened archaeological resources in the Little River and Wabash River valley in Miami, Wabash and Huntington Counties, Indiana, for a FY2008 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #21719-13). This Historic Preservation Fund grant project investigated the archaeological resources of the Little River and Wabash River valleys in Huntington, Miami and Wabash counties, Indiana....

ROI076, Archaeological Investigations in the Upper Wabash River Valley: A 2009 Survey in Huntington, Miami and Wabash Counties, Indiana
PROJECT Beth K. McCord. Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 076 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for threatened archaeological resources in the Little River and Wabash River valley in Miami, Wabash and Huntington Counties, Indiana, for a FY2008 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #21719-13). This Historic Preservation Fund grant...

Wabash Grant Huntington County (12HU1299-12HU1315) 2008
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District.

Normally, the VCP only processes USACE collections. The artifacts for Wabash Grant Huntington County (12HU1299–12HU1315) 2008 were originally thought to be USACE owned. The artifacts were processed at the VCP. Later communications between Ball State University collections manager, Christine Keller, Louisville District archaeologist, Jan Marie Hemberger, and MCX CMAC collections manager, Cathy Van Arsdale confirmed that this investigation was not owned by USACE. The investigation was related and...