ROI076, Archaeological Investigations in the Upper Wabash River Valley: A 2009 Survey in Huntington, Miami and Wabash Counties, Indiana


The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for threatened archaeological resources in the Little River and Wabash River valley in Miami, Wabash and Huntington Counties, Indiana, for a FY2008 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #21719-13). This Historic Preservation Fund grant project investigated the archaeological resources of the Little River and Wabash River valleys in Huntington, Miami and Wabash counties, Indiana. Approximately 791 acres (320 hectares) of agricultural land were surveyed and 467 new archaeological sites were recorded. The survey recovered 10, 237 prehistoric artifacts and 556 historic artifacts from fourteen locations within the Little River and Wabash River valleys. All periods including Paleo-Indian, Early Archaic, Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, Early Woodland, Middle Woodland and Late Woodland/Prehistoric components were documented from the precontact era. The average site density recorded for the project area for precontact sites was one site per 1.7 acres. The highest artifact densities were encountered in survey areas with expansive sections of Genesee (Gessie) soils. This soil is a well drained alluvial soil. The project suggests that precontact populations used the Wabash River valley and its tributary valleys for long term settlements as well as short term extractive camps. Site duration was most intensive at areas where chert and food resources would have been concentrated.

In addition to the pedestrian survey limited excavations were conducted for three mounds recorded at J. Edward Roush Lake: Big Bangs (12-Hu-25), Little Bangs Mounds (12-Hu-26), and an unnamed mound (12-Hu-27). The project was conducted under ARPA permit # DACW27-4-09-010 and DHPA approved plan # 2008026.

The limited excavations documented that Big Bangs (12-Hu-25) and Little Bangs (12-Hu-26) contained intact deposits. The recovery of a Triangular Cluster biface and a radiocarbon date between cal AD 420 and 600 indicated a late Middle Woodland to early Late Woodland time period for the construction of the mounds. While the temporal affiliation of the mounds was better defined by the project, the cultural affiliation of the mounds was still ambiguous. From a regional perspective, no identified cultural groups have been named for this period in the Upper Wabash drainage. The two mounds are the only known surviving examples of mounds in the Upper Wabash drainage. The mounds provided a unique opportunity to further explore the settlement system of Middle Woodland/Late Woodland populations and offered a rare opportunity to examine the ceremonial and ritual aspects of the inhabitants of the area. The mounds were determined eligible for listing on the State and National Registers of Historic Places.

3D models of the artifacts recovered from Report of Investigations 076, Archaeological Investigations in the Upper Wabash River Valley: A 2009 Survey in Huntington, Miami and Wabash Counties, Indiana, can be viewed using the following link:

Cite this Record

ROI076, Archaeological Investigations in the Upper Wabash River Valley: A 2009 Survey in Huntington, Miami and Wabash Counties, Indiana. Andrew Smith, Rachel Klabacka. 2009 ( tDAR id: 464025) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8464025

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections



Early Archaic Early Woodland Historic Late Archaic Late Woodland Middle Archaic Middle Woodland PaleoIndian Unidentified Prehistoric

Ceramic Chipped Stone Fauna Fire Cracked Rock Glass Metal

Site Name
12Hu1260 12Hu1261 12Hu1262 12Hu1263 12Hu1264 12Hu1265 12Hu1266 12Hu1267 12Hu1268 12Hu1269 12Hu1270 12Hu1271 12Hu1272 12Hu1273 12Hu1274 12Hu1275 12Hu1276 12Hu1277 12Hu1278 12Hu1279 12Hu1280 12Hu1281 12Hu1282 12Hu1283 12Hu1284 12Hu1285 12Hu1286 12Hu1287 12Hu1288 12Hu1289 12Hu1290 12Hu1291 12Hu1292 12Hu1293 12Hu1294 12Hu1295 12Hu1296 12Hu1297 12Hu1298 12HU1299 12HU1300 12HU1301 12HU1302 12HU1303 12HU1304 12HU1305 12HU1306 12HU1307 12HU1308 12HU1309 12HU1310 12HU1311 12HU1312 12HU1313 12HU1314 12HU1315 12Hu1316 12Hu1317 12Hu1318 12Hu1319 12Hu1320 12Hu1321 12Hu1322 12Hu1323 12Hu1324 12Hu1325 12Hu1326 12Hu1327 12Hu1328 12Hu1329 12Hu1330 12Hu1331 12Hu1332 12Hu1333 12Hu1334 12Hu1335 12Mi610 12Mi611 12Mi612 12Mi613 12Mi614 12Mi615 12Mi616 12Mi617 12Mi618 12Mi619 12Mi620 12Mi621 12Mi622 12Mi623 12Mi624 12Mi625 12Mi626 12Mi627 12Mi628 12Mi629 12Mi630 12Mi631 12Mi632 12Mi633 12Mi634 12Mi635 12Mi636 12Mi637 12Mi638 12Mi639 12Mi640 12Mi641 12Mi642 12Mi643 12Mi644 12Mi645 12Mi646 12Mi647a 12Mi647b 12Mi647c 12Mi648 12Mi649 12Mi650 12Mi651 12Mi652 12Mi653 12Mi654 12Mi655a 12Mi655b 12Mi656 12Mi657 12Mi658 12Mi659 12Mi660 12Mi661 12Mi662 12Mi663 12Mi664 12Mi665 12Mi666 12Mi667 12Mi668 12Mi669 12Mi670 12Mi671 12Mi672 12Mi673a 12Mi673b 12Mi673c 12Mi673d 12Mi673e 12Mi673f 12Mi674 12Mi675 12Mi676 12Mi677 12Mi678 12Mi679 12Mi680 12Mi681 12Mi682a 12Mi682b 12Mi683 12Mi684 12Mi685 12Mi686 12Mi687 12Mi688 12Mi689 12Mi690 12Mi691 12Mi692 12Mi693 12Mi694 12Mi695 12Mi696 12Mi697 12Mi698 12Mi699 12Mi700 12Mi701 12Mi702 12Mi703 12Mi704 12Mi705 12Mi706 12Mi707 12Mi708 12Mi709 12Mi710 12Mi711 12Mi712 12Mi713 12Mi714 12Mi715 12Mi716 12Mi717 12Mi718 12Mi719 12Mi720 12Mi721 12Mi722 12Mi723 12Mi724 12Mi725 12Mi726 12Mi727 12Mi728 12Mi729 12Mi730 12Mi731 12Mi732 12Mi733 12Mi734 12Mi735 12Mi736 12Mi737 12Mi738 12Mi739 12Mi740 12Mi741 12Mi742 12Mi743 12Mi744 12Mi745 12Mi746 12Mi747 12Mi748 12Mi749 12Mi750 12Mi751 12Mi752 12Mi753a 12Mi753b 12Mi753c 12Mi753d 12Mi753e 12Mi753f 12Mi753g 12Mi754 12Mi755 12Mi756 12Mi757 12Mi758 12Mi759 12Mi760 12Mi761 12Mi762 12Mi763 12Mi764 12Mi765 12Mi766 12Mi767 12Mi768 12Mi769 12Mi770 12Mi771 12Mi772 12Mi773 12Mi774 Show More

Spatial Coverage

min long: -86.167; min lat: 40.564 ; max long: -85.342; max lat: 41.046 ;

Record Identifiers

DHPA Permit #(s): 2008026

Reports of Investigation(s): 076

ARPA Permit #(s): DACW27-4-09-010

Grant #(s): 21719-13


General Note: ROI076 Additional Sites: 12Mi775, 12Mi776, 12Mi777, 12Mi778, 12Mi779, 12Mi780, 12Mi781, 12Mi782, 12Mi783, 12Mi784, 12Mi785, 12Mi786, 12Mi787, 12Mi788, 12Mi789, 12Mi790, 12Mi791, 12Mi792, 12Mi793, 12Mi794, 12Mi795, 12Mi796, 12Mi797, 12Mi798, 12Mi799, 12Mi800, 12Mi801, 12Mi802, 12Mi803, 12Mi804, 12Mi805, 12Mi806, 12Mi807, 12Mi808, 12Mi809, 12Mi810, 12Mi811, 12Mi812, 12Mi813, 12Mi814, 12Mi815, 12Mi816, 12Mi817, 12Mi818, 12Mi819, 12Mi820, 12Mi821, 12Mi822, 12Mi823, 12Mi824, 12Mi825, 12Mi826, 12Mi827, 12Mi828, 12Mi829, 12Mi830, 12Mi831, 12Mi832, 12Mi833, 12Mi834, 12Mi835, 12Mi836, 12Mi837, 12Mi838, 12Mi0839a, 12Mi0839b, 12Mi840, 12Mi841, 12Mi842, 12Mi843, 12Mi844, 12Mi845, 12Mi846, 12Mi847, 12Mi848, 12Mi849, 12Mi850, 12Mi851, 12Mi0852a, 12Mi0852b, 12Mi0852c, 12Mi0853a, 12Mi0853b, 12Mi0853c, 12Mi854, 12Mi855, 12Mi856, 12Mi857, 12Mi858, 12Mi859, 12Mi860, 12Mi861, 12Mi862, 12Mi863, 12Mi864, 12Mi865, 12Mi866, 12Mi867, 12Mi868, 12Mi869, 12Mi870, 12Wb851, 12Wb852, 12Wb853, 12Wb854, 12Wb855, 12Wb856, 12Wb857, 12Wb858, 12Wb859, 12Wb860, 12Wb861, 12Wb862, 12Wb863, 12Wb864, 12Wb865, 12Wb866, 12Wb867, 12Wb868, 12Wb869, 12Wb870, 12Wb871, 12Wb872, 12Wb873, 12Wb874, 12Wb875, 12Wb876, 12Wb877, 12Wb878, 12Wb879, 12Wb880, 12Wb881, 12Wb882, 12Wb883, 12Wb884, 12Wb885, 12Wb886, 12Wb887, 12Wb888, 12Wb889, 12Wb890, 12Wb891, 12Wb892, 12Wb893, 12Wb894, 12Wb895, 12Wb896, 12Wb897, 12Wb898, 12Wb899, 12Wb900, 12Wb901, 12Wb0902a, 12Wb0902b, 12Wb0902c, 12Wb903, 12Wb904, 12Wb905, 12Wb906, 12Wb907, 12Wb908, 12Wb909, 12Wb910, 12Wb911, 12Wb912, 12Wb0913a, 12Wb0913b, 12Wb0913c, 12Wb0913d, 12Wb914, 12Wb915, 12Wb916, 12Wb917, 12Wb918, 12Wb919, 12Wb920, 12Wb921, 12Wb922, 12Wb923, 12Wb924, 12Wb925, 12Wb926, 12Wb927, 12Wb928, 12Wb929, 12Wb930, 12Wb931, 12Wb932, 12Wb933, 12Wb934, 12Wb935, 12Wb936, 12Wb937, 12Wb938, 12Wb939, 12Wb940, 12Wb941, 12Wb942, 12Wb943, 12Wb944, 12Wb945, 12Wb946, 12Wb947, 12Wb948, 12Wb949, 12Wb950, 12Wb951, 12Wb952, 12Wb953, 12Wb954, 12Wb955, 12Wb956, 12Wb957, 12Wb958, 12Wb959, 12Wb960, 12Wb961, 12Wb962, 12Wb963, 12Wb964, 12Wb965, 12Wb966, 12Wb967, 12Wb968, 12Wb969, 12Wb970, 12Wb971, 12Wb972, 12Wb973, 12Wb974, 12Wb975, 12Wb976, 12Wb977, 12Wb978, 12Wb979, 12Wb980a, 12Wb980b

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