NA15,139 (Site Name Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
Seven archaeological sites and 26 isolated finds were recorded during a recent survey of the right-of-way and access roads for the proposed Palo Verde to Westwing Transmission Line. The sites ranged from Hohokam camps and special-purpose, limited activity sites to Anglo homesteads of the early 20th century. Other archaeological loci usually consisted of isolated sherds or a pot-drop, though one flaked tool and several pieces of ground stone were also found. The three prehistoric sites were...
Archaeological Survey of the Mead to Phoenix 500kV Direct Current Transmission Line Preferred Alternative: Volume 2: Final Report, Appendix IV (1986)
Appendix IV of the final report for the Archaeological Survey of the Mead to Phoenix 500kv Direct Current Transmission Line Preferred Alternative, Volume 2. This document contains topographic maps of site locations in order of NA site number.
Cultural Resource Analysis of the Changes to the Proposed Mead-Phoenix Transmission Project (1990)
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), Salt River Project (SRP), Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA), and M-S-R Public Power Agency (Modesto- Santa Clara-Redding) (collectively referred to as the project sponsors) propose to construct a 500 kilovolt (kV) alternating current (AC) transmission line with the capability to be upgraded later to 500kV direct current (DC). This transmission line will connect the Westwing ...