Waterworld (Site Name Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

Recent Research On Tucson Basin Prehistory: Proceedings of the Second Tucson Basin Conference (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William H. Doelle. Paul R. Fish.

The study of Tucson’s prehistory has been pursued with an unprecedented intensity in recent years, and it seemed essential that the new results that were emerging be shared on a broader basis. This volume is the outcome of papers prepared for the Second Tucson Basin Conference in conjunction with the 1986 fall meeting of the Arizona Archaeological Council.

A Research Design for Tucson Aqueduct, Phase B Data Recovery (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jon S. Czaplicki. John C. Ravesloot. Lynn S. Teague.

In 1985, the Bureau of Reclamation directed the Cultural Resource Management Division of the Arizona State Museum to develop a research design for data recovery at 15 selected archaeological sites along the Phase B alignment of the Tucson Aqueduct portion of the Central Arizona Project. Phase B included Reaches 4, 5, and 6 of the alignment. The sample included five Hohokam settlement sites: Fastimes (AZ AA:12:384 [ASM]), Waterworld (AZ AA:16:94[ASM]), AZ AA:16:97(ASM), AA:16:104(ASM), and...

Tucson Aqueduct Project Phase B
PROJECT Lynn S. Teague. Jon Czaplicki. John C. Ravesloot. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

The Tucson Aqueduct Phase B Project represents the first substantial archaeological investigations and excavations to be conducted in the Avra Valley. Prior to the 1983 intensive survey of the Phase B alignment by archaeologists from the Arizona State Museum, archaeological investigation of the Avra Valley had been limited primarily to occasional clearance surveys and test excavations. The identification of 47 prehistoric sites during the 1983 survey (Downum and others 1986) and the...