AZ U:6:66 (ASU) (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
On December 15, 2000, Entranco was authorized by Salt River Project (SRP) to conduct a Class I Inventory of an approximately 9.61-mile-long, variable width corridor from the Thunderstone Receiving Station to the Verde Substation in Maricopa County, Arizona. The project area includes Bureau of Indian Affairs right-of-way across the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, and land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Reclamation, operated and managed by the Central Arizona Project and...
A Cultural Inventory of the Salt River Indian Reservation, Arizona (1972)
This document consists of site descriptions for sites located on the Salt River Indian Reservation Lands. Those contributing content to the report include Gerald Bair, Susan B. Belt, Dav Buge, Thomas Cartledge, William G. Holiday, Susanne LaFollette, Minnabell E. Laughlin, Chad Phinney, Erwin R. Ray, Linda Richards, Helen P. Wells, Regge N. Wiseman, Robert York, and Betsy R. Zeligs.