5MT4478 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

The Dolores Archaeological Program
PROJECT Robert A. Bye. Christine K. Robinson. David A. Breternitz. Allen E. Kane. Steven E. James. Timothy A. Kohler. William D. Lipe. Bureau of Reclamation.

From 1978 until 1985 the University of Colorado contracted with the Bureau of Reclamation (Contract No. 8-07-40-S0562) to mitigate the adverse impact of a large water impoundment project on the cultural resources in the project area. This complex and evolving long-term mitigation plan known as the Dolores Archaeological Program (DAP) has been called a “truly unique chapter in American archaeology” (Breternitz 1993:118) and was applauded by Lipe (1998:2) for its ability to “increase the power and...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-020: Magnetometer Results (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert J. Huggins. John Weymouth.

As part of Dolores Cultural Resources Mitigation Program Field Operations in 1978, a magnetometer survey test program was implemented to determine the efficacy of such methods in facilitating excavation strategies. The program was begun on 12 September 1978 and was continued until late October . A total of 46 20 by 20m blocks at 14 prehistoric sites was surveyed and the result ant data sent to the University of Nebraska for analysis and interpretation. By the report submission date (May 1979) 90...