9BN49 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

The Ford Plantation Project, Georgia
PROJECT Thomas G. Whitley. Scott Butler. The Ford Plantation L.L.C. (Richmond Hill, Georgia).

Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive Phase I cultural resources survey and Phase II testing project in 1998, for the Ford Plantation Development, in Bryan County, Georgia. The project encompassed approximately 720 hectares (1,800 acres). Survey consisted of background archival research (to locate previously identified cultural resources and to assess the potential for new discovery), fieldwork (excavation of shovel test probes, pedestrian reconnaissance, and 2 by 2 meter test...

The Ford Plantation Project: Archaeological Data Recovery at Cherry Hill Plantation (9BN49/56/57), Bryan County, Georgia (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas G. Whitley. Connie M. Huddleston. Jennifer J. Webber. Dea Mozingo.

The Ford Plantation Development includes an area of roughly 720 hectares (1800 acres) in Bryan County, Georgia, along the south bank of the Ogeechee River. The residential community and recreational complex now occupies land that first saw European settlement in the 1730s and has long been the domain of both prehistoric and historic period Native American occupations. In 1998 Brockington and Associates, Inc., was contracted to conduct a Phase I Archaeological and Historic Architectural Survey of...