Keen Dip Vat (Site Name Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
The Keen Dip Vat site (Florida Site File Number 8P0994) is located near the center of Section 33, T3 1S, R30E on the Avon Park Air Force Range in Polk County, Florida . It is the location of an early 20th century homestead and a later cattle dipping station. The site is associated with the Keen family who were active in the cattle ranching industry in Polk and Highlands Counties. The main components of the site are the preserved remains of the dipping station which include a concrete dip vat,...
Avon Park Air Force Range: Phase I and Phase II Investigations on Avon Park Air Force Range, Polk and Highlands Counties, Florida (2007)
This report presents the results of a Phase I cultural resources survey and archaeological inventory of 1,334.6 ac (540.9 ha) on Avon Park Air Force Range in Polk and Highlands counties, Florida, and the results of Phase II documentation, investigation, and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility determination of five archaeological sites. The Phase I survey resulted in the discovery of three archaeological sites (8HG1107, 8HG1108, 8PO7011) and five isolated archaeological...
National Register of Historic Place Multiple Property Documentation Form for the Archaeological and Historical Resources of the Avon Park Air Force Range (1994) (1994)
The Avon Park Air Force Range (APAFR) contains a diverse array of cultural resources that span the entire period of human occupation of the Kissimmee River Valley. Documented sites range in date from the Archaic period (ca. 6500-500 B.C.) through the first half of the 20th century. Most of the documented periods of occupation of the APAFR are represented by prehistoric and historic period archaeological sites that have been determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register (NR) of...