Pilgrim Site (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The purpose of the 1977 investigations at Aquilla Lake was to continue testing archaeological sites in the project area in order to determine which sites warranted nomination to the National Register of Historic Places and also to evaluate various archaeological problems relevant to the project area. This information was used to determine which sites in the project area warrant additional investigations and to develop a comprehensive plan to mitigate the unavoidable loss of archaeological...
US Army National Guard Cultural Resources Planning Level Survey - Montana (2000)
In September 1997, St. Louis District personnel visited the Montana Army National Guard (MTARNG) Headquarters in Helena, the State Historic Preservation Office of Montana in Helena, and the University of Montana in Missoula, to research archaeological and historic buildings survey work conducted on National Guard facilities in the state. This document reports the history of cultural investigations on federally owned or federally supported MTARNG facilities, lists archaeological sites and...