AZ FF:9:17 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)
1-8 (8 Records)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) intends to conduct a sign rehabilitation and replacement project on Interstate 10 (1-10) from milepost (MP) 145.5-156.3 in the cities of Phoenix and Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona (Figure 1). In addition to the 1-10 mainline, the project also will include sign installation and replacement on the following crossroads: 3rd Street, 7th Street, 16th Street, Washington Street, Jefferson Street, Sky Harbor Circle, Buckeye Road, 24th...
Arizona Department of Transportation Environmental & Enhancement Group: An Addendum Cultural Resources Report for the 202L, South Mountain Freeway EIS & L/DCR Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
A supplemental Class III cultural resources survey and historic site documentation of alternative alignments for the South Mountain Freeway Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Location/Design Concept Report (L/DCR).
A Class I Cultural Resources Inventory of the North-South Corridor Study, Pinal County, Arizona (2011)
Under contract with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR), has been tasked with the preliminary planning and predesign of a north-south highway corridor in Pinal County, Arizona (Federal Highway Administration Project No. STP-999-A [BBM]; TRACS No. 999 PN H7454 O1L). This highway will link Interstate 10 (I-10), in the vicinity of Picacho, to U.S. Highway 60 (also known as the Superstition Freeway), in the vicinity of Apache Junction. HDR has subcontracted...
Cultural Resources Survey for the SRP Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV Transmission Lines, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2007)
This report presents the results of Class III cultural resources surveys conducted for the Palo Verde to Pinal West Transmission Line Project. The work was sponsored by Salt River Project (SRP) in support of two proposed 500 kV transmission lines that will connect the existing Hassayampa Switchyard, west of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, and the proposed Pinal West Substation, western Pinal County, Arizona. The cultural resources studies described here include three previous archaeological...
A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Hassayampa-Jojoba Transmission Line, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
GBPP (Gila Bend Power Partners) proposes to construct and operate a 500kV transmission line, which will deliver electrical power from the Hassayampa Switchyard south of Wintersburg, Arizona to the Jojoba Switchyard currently under construction in south-central Maricopa County, Arizona. The project will increase the transmission of electrical power into areas surrounding metropolitan Phoenix, and will promote economic development of benefit to the people of Arizona. GBPP retained EPG...
Papago Park EcoPlan Appendix C: Inventory and Assessment of Cultural Resources (2009)
At the request of Olsson Associates, Inc. (Olsson), EcoPlan Associates, Inc. (EcoPlan) cultural resource specialists relocated and assessed where possible National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility for known cultural resources within both the Phoenix- and Tempe-owned portions of Papago Park, Maricopa County, Arizona. This research was done in support of a new regional master plan for the park. The master plan is being developed cooperatively by the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian...
Tracks through Time: Urban Archaeology along the METRO Light Rail Corridor, Volume I: Introduction, Background, and Preliminary Field Studies (2011)
This book presents the results of the archaeological investigations that were conducted along then Light Rail route before and during its construction. As with any project that receives federal funding, METRO was legally required to undertake archaeological investigations along the project corridor; but production of this volume reflects not only METRO's commitment to legal compliance with environmental laws, but also the commitment of the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa to preserve and...
Treatment and Data Recovery Plan for the SRP Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV Transmission Line, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2007)
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) plans to construct a new 500 kV transmission line between the existing Hassayampa Switchyard, west of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, and the proposed Pinal West Substation, western Pinal County, Arizona (Figure 1). Designated the Palo Verde to Pinal West (PV-PW) transmission line, this powerline is the first of two that SRP plans to eventually construct between the Hassayampa Switchyard and...