AR-03-12-02-433 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

The Carlota Copper Mine Testing Project: Prehistoric Occupation in the Globe Uplands, Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Mitchell. M. Zyniecki.

The Carlota Prehistoric Testing Program, conducted for the Carlota Copper Company near Miami, Arizona, because of proposed mining operations, sought to determine which sites in a previously surveyed area contained data classes that would allow specific Historic Contexts to be addressed. The survey identified 87 sites, 55 of them prehistoric, in thé 2600-acre study area. After study area boundary reductions, 51 prehistoric sites were examined during the testing project. The Apache Tribe...

Preliminary Field Report 3: Data Recovery at Eleven Prehistoric Sites in the Carlota Mine Area, Miami, Arizona (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Danielle Desruisseaux. Randy Fox. Todd L. Howell. Darby Moore. Douglas R. Mitchell. David Purcell. Chris T. Wenker. Tom Yoder. Mark Zyniecki.

This report discusses the results of archaeological data recovery conducted at eleven prehistoric sites within the proposed Carlota Copper Mine (Carlota). The project area is located west of Miami, Arizona, principally on lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service, Tonto National Forest. In order to comply with the appropriate federal legislation regarding the cultural resources within the project area, Carlota contracted with SWCA to conduct archaeological investigations. A series of...