38BR505 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Architectural Survey of the Proposed Williston Bypass, Barwell County, South Carolina, And Archaeological Survey of the Proposed U.S. 78 Improvements, Aiken to Elko, Aiken and Barnwell Counties, South Carolina (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text C.S. Butler. M. Virginia Markham.

"This study was carried out as part of planning for improvement of Highway U.S. 78 in Aiken and Barnwell Counties. The report describes results of background and archival history research, intensive architectural resources and archaeological survey. Much of the archival research relating to the Williston area was previously conducted in 1992 and included the study by Butler and Poplin (1992b). The archival research included a review of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) listings...

Background and Archival Research for U.S. Highay 78 Improvemetns Aiken to Elko, South Carolina (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Butler. Eric C. Poplin.

"This report presents the results of cultural resource, background, and archival research conducted for the proposed improvements to U•S. 78 between Aiken, Aiken County and Elko, Barnwell County. This research was carried out to indicate the potential for the occurrence of archaeological sites within and near possible construction areas and to provide a context for evaluation of archaeological sites and historic buildings expected to be recorded in future studies of provisionally selected...