CA-SBA-733 (Site Name Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
This document is a letter report for the archaeological survey and subsurface testing conducted by Laurence Spanne on December 5, 1975 to determine the impact of the installation of a cable trench near Launch Facility No. 23 on Vandenberg Air Force Base. The archeological survey focused on the east and northeast margins of CA-SBA-733, a previously recorded prehistoric site. The report also provided four recommendations in order to avoid or mitigate project impacts.
VAFB-1987-05: Request for Determination of Eligibility: San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1987)
This Request for Determination of Eligibility for the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District as a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) district is being submitted to facilitate management of cultural resources that could be affected by the construction of Peacekeeper Rail Garrison and Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) test facilities. Flight tests of both the Small ICBM and Peacekeeper Rail Garrison systems will be conducted at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) to verify...
VAFB-1988-14: Historic Preservation Plan, San Antonio Terrace National Register District, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1988)
This document constitutes a Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) for the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (Figure 1.1-1). This district was created by the Air Force to facilitate management because most archaeological sites in the district contain data relevant to a common research theme. The district includes that part of north Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) which could be affected by the construction and operation of various Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM} test programs....