Concrete Ramp (Site Type Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Presented here are the results of an archaeological testing project to determine if subsurface cultural resources are present on Block 175 and a small area within Block 174 in downtown Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. These blocks are within the original Tucson town site, surveyed in 1872. Block 174 was the location of the First Baptist Church and dwellings, block 175 was primarily the location of private residences. The two parking lot areas are owned by the Industrial Development Authority of...
Playa Vista Archaeological and Historical Project, Volume 1: Research Design (1991)
The Playa Vista Archaeological and Historical Project is a multi-step comprehensive approach designed to achieve compliance with applicable Municipal, State, and Federal laws and regulations protecting cultural resources. This document represents the first step: the completion of a project specific research design that presents current knowledge of the cultural resources in the project area and outlines future steps to mitigate potential impacts of the proposed project. To complete the research...