Stone Ring (Site Type Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

An Archaeological Assessment of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV Transmission Line (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lanita C. Van Nimwegen.

Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed a Class III archaeological survey of portions of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV transmission line located on Arizona State lands, USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands and Salt River Project (SRP) right-of-ways across privately held lands. Reconnaissance of state and private (patented) lands was completed on April 24 and 25 of 1991 under Permit Number 90-39, and BLM lands were surveyed on May 3, Under Permit Number AZ-000065. As a result...

Hecla I: A Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Investigations at the Lakeshore Project, Papago Reservation, South Central Arizona (1973)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Albert C. Goodyear, III. Alfred E. Dittert, Jr..

Late in 1971, the Department of Anthropology at Arizona State University was contacted by the Hecla Mining Company regarding impending construction of plant facilities at the Lakeshore Mine Project. The latter operation is located 28 miles southwest of Casa Grande, Arizona. The existence of many archaeological remains within the construction zone was known as a result of surveys conducted by Mr. Garland Gordon of the Arizona Archaeological Center, National Park Service, Tuscon. Investigations...

Middle Gila Basin: An Archaeological and Historical Overview (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Claudia F. Berry. William S. Marmaduke.

The Central Arizona Project (CAP), Indian Distribution Division (IDD) is designed to deliver allocated CAP water to Indian users. The Middle Gila Basin Overview summarizes and evaluates the known cultural resources in an area 3,570 square miles (9,139 sq km) large, centered on the Gila River. A critical review of past research suggests that many of the concepts and theories used to describe and explain the past in the study area are suspect, that physical and biotic zonation in the study area...

Tewa Rock Art in the Black Mesa Region: Cultural Resources Investigations, Velarde Community Ditch Project, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas K. Boyd. Bobbie Ferguson.

Archeological surveys of riprap borrow areas on the lower eastern slopes of Black Mesa, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, were conducted from 1984 to 1988 for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Velarde Community Ditch Project and San Juan Pueblo Diversion Projects, and for river channel stabilization by the Upper Rio Grande Project Office. Eight separate borrow areas have been investigated to date, and findings are almost exclusively petroglyphs, images pecked into basalt rocks and boulders. A total...