Stone Outline (Site Type Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
15 mi of Extra High Voltage transmission line corridor, 2 mi of access road, and 0.9 mi of 115kV transmission line from the Silverking Substation were surveyed for archaeological resources by the Museum of Northern Arizona in April, 1978. Twelve prehistoric and historic Anglo-American affiliation archaeological sites were identified along the EHV corridor between the Silverking Substation and the Tonto National Forest boundary. An isolated recent feature, not given a site designation, was found...
A Cultural Inventory of the Proposed Granite Reef and Salt-Gila Aqueducts, Agua Fria River to Gila River, Arizona (1969)
One of several construction programs proposed for inclusion in the Central Arizona Project was a system of aqueducts to link Parker Dam on the Colorado River in western Arizona and the Charleston Damsite on the San Pedro River in southeastern Arizona. Since the possibility existed that archaeological remains might be destroyed by necessary subjugation of lands for the aqueduct, the Southwest Archaeological Center of the National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, made arrangements...
A Cultural Inventory of the Salt River Indian Reservation, Arizona (1972)
This document consists of site descriptions for sites located on the Salt River Indian Reservation Lands. Those contributing content to the report include Gerald Bair, Susan B. Belt, Dav Buge, Thomas Cartledge, William G. Holiday, Susanne LaFollette, Minnabell E. Laughlin, Chad Phinney, Erwin R. Ray, Linda Richards, Helen P. Wells, Regge N. Wiseman, Robert York, and Betsy R. Zeligs.