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Parent: Settlements

Larger settlements with more dwellings and a wide variety of other kinds of structures. These settlements typically have internally organized infrastructure of streets or walkways and water and waste-disposal systems. Typically occupied for decades or centuries.

1,576-1,600 (2,075 Records)

Perishable: Tumpband AMNH 29.0/8849 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Tumpband, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8849. Morris FS 2339. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Fragment of sewn, threaded, yucca leaf and yucca fiber tumpband. Images: AMNH 29.0/8849A: fragment of yucca-leaf tumpband. AMNH 29.0/8849B: fragment of yucca-leaf tumpband, other face. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of , Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 115 at the time of excavation is as follows: “Upon the floor of Room 115 were quantities of gypsum and a gray shaly clay,...

Perishable: Tumpband AMNH 29.0/8933 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Tumpband, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8933. Morris FS 2427. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Remains of a decorated cotton tumpband of 2-strand twining (S), paired warps, yucca and cotton fiber. Images: AMNH 29.0/8933A: remains of decorated cotton tumpband. AMNH 29./-8933B: remains of decorated cotton tumpband, other face. AMNH 29./-8933C: close-up of largest fragment showing diagonal lines. AMNH 29.0/8933D: close-up of largest fragment showing diagonal lines, other face. Recovered from Earl...

Perishable: Tumpband AMNH 29.0/9973 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Tumpband, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9973. Morris FS 3454. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Tumpband, yucca fiber, sewn and threaded. Images: AMNH 29.0/9973A: cordage band. AMNH 29.0/9973B: close-up showing zigzag passage of wefts. AMNH 29.0/9973C: close-up showing zigzag passage of wefts 2. AMNH 29.0/9973D: close-up of looped end. AMNH 29.0/9973E: close-up of other end. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 135-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 135-2 at the time...

Perishable: Tumpband AMNH 29.0/9975 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Tumpband, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9975. Morris FS 3456. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Cotton and yucca tumpband, 1/1 plain weave, with darned area. Images: AMNH 29.0/9975A: cotton and yucca tumpband. AMNH 29.0/9975B: close-up showing broken yucca warps and cotton wefts. AMNH 29.0/9975C: close-up showing broken yucca warps and cotton wefts 2. AMNH 29.0/9975D: close-up of other end. Note darned area along upper edge. AMNH 29.0/9975E: close-up of one end showing yucca and cotton wrapping....

Perishable: Tumpband AZRU20-1806 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Tumpband, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #1806. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Small, twined, yucca tumpband with broken loop at each end. One end repaired with hide stitching. Undecorated. Stitched to linen backing for exhibition. Measurements: L 46.0, W 4.6 CM. Images: AZRU20-1806A: twined tumpband 1. AZRU20-1806B: detail of end with hide repair and cotton stitching. AZRU20-1806C: detail of other end 1. AZRU20-1806D: detail of other end 2. Recovered from Room ...

Perishable: Tumpband AZRU20-1811 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Tumpband, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #1811. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Finely woven tumpband with tan and dark brown geometric design of interlocking scrolls on a golden brown ground. Yucca warp and cotton weft. Measurements: L 54.0, W 9.3 CM. Images: AZRU20-1811A: woven tumpband, one face. AZRU20-1811B: woven tumpband, other face 1. AZRU20-1811C: woven tumpband, other face 2.AZRU20-1811D: woven tumpband, other face 3. AZRU20-1811E: woven tumpband, detail....

Perishable: Tumpbands AMNH 29.0/9721.1 (.2 and .3) (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Tumpbands, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9721. Morris FS 3205. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Tumpband fragments of hide, yucca, and cotton fiber with various knots and elements. Images: AMNH 29.0/9721_1A: cordage tumpband. AMNH 29.0/9721_1B: cordage tumpband, other face. AMNH 29.0/9721_1C: close-up showing ten warp elements. AMNH 29.0/9721_1D: close-up of other face of knotted end. AMNH 29.0/9721_1E: close-up of knotted end. AMNH 29.0-9721_1F: close-up of broken area. AMNH 29.0-9721_1G:...

Perishable: Twig Bundle AZRU8-2766 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twig Bundle, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2766. Morris FS 5058. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Small bundle of split twigs. Elements folded back and forth to make a rectangular package. Measurements: L 6.5, W 3.3, TH 2.2 CM. Image: AZRU8-2766 A: small bundle of split twigs. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 180, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 180 as “fallen into ruin [before the later occupation of Aztec Ruin]. The partial excavation of this chamber revealed the...

Perishable: Twig Bundle AZRU8-2767 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twig Bundle, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2767. Morris FS 5311. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Bundle of twigs wrapped crosswise with a different type of twig. Measurements: L 17.0, D 3.5 CM. Image: AZRU8-2767 A: bundle of twigs wrapped crosswise with twigs. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 189, Aztec West Ruin. Morris noted that Room 189 “contained the largest quantity of perishable objects from the Chaco period that have to date been taken from any chamber in the western...

Perishable: Twig Bundle AZRU8-2768 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twig Bundle, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2768. Morris FS 3725 . Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Unbound bundle of twigs with a reddish bark, possibly willow. Measurements: L 18.0, W 7.7, TH 4.5 CM. Image: AZRU8-2768 A: unbound bundle of twigs, possibly willow. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 147, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 147 at the time of excavation is as follows: “the immediate floor covering was a foot of refuse, with Burials Nos. 60 and 61...

Perishable: Twig Bundle AZRU8-2769 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twig Bundle, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2769. Morris FS 3726. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Bundle of probable sumac twigs wrapped crosswise with same. Measurements: L 18.0, W 8.5, TH 6.0 CM. Images: AZRU8-2769 A: bundle of probable sumac twigs wrapped crosswise with same. AZRU8-2769 B: other face. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room147, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 147 at the time of excavation is as follows: “the immediate floor covering was a foot of...

Perishable: Twig Coil AZRU20-1821 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twig Coil, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #1821. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Coil of unidentified twigs wrapped crosswise with yucca leaves and 2S-Z feather-wrapped yucca cordage. Yucca leaves tied in least 11 square knots. Measurements: D 20.0 (ext), 7.5 (int), TH 3.5 CM. Image: AZRU20-1821A: coil of twigs wrapped crosswise with yucca leaves and feather cordage. Recovered from Room [Unknown], Aztec West Ruin. Artifact from Aztec Ruins National Monument but of unknown...

Perishable: Twig Coil AZRU8-2770 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twig Coil, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog # 2770. Morris FS 5042. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Long stick of willow or apocynum wrapped around a coil of finer stems with leaves. Measurements: L 24.0, W 20.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2770 A: long stick of probable willow tied around coil of twigs with leaves. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 180, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 180 as “fallen into ruin [before the later occupation of Aztec Ruin]. The partial excavation of this...

Perishable: Twill Fabric AZRU8-1309 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twill Fabric, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1309. Morris [Unknown].Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Three fragments of 2/1 twill fabric. Brown in color but probably once striped. Selvages missing. Measurements: L 3.0, W 15.5 CM (Largest). Image: AZRU8-1309A: Brown twill fabric. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 136-2(?), Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into...

Perishable: Twined Bag AZRU8-1772 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Bag, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1772. Morris FS 5534. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Half of a twined bag with red, brown, and tan stripes. Conical Form. Measurements: L 38.0, 14.0 CM. Images: AZRU8-1772 A: twined bag on mount. AZRU8-1772 B: twined bag on mount 2. AZRU8-1772 C: base view 3. AZRU8-1772 D: detail of base. AZRU8-1772 E: detail of self-patterned design on base. AZRU8-1772 F: frayed upper edge. AZRU8-1772 G: side view 1. AZRU8-1772 H: side view 2. AZRU8-1772 I: base...

Perishable: Twined Cord AMNH 29.0/7364 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Cord, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7364. Morris FS 956. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Header cord from blanket, 2(2Z-S)Z, 2-strand twining (S). Images: AMNH 29.0/7364A: header cord from twined robe. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 54, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:309) indicates that “The first 1 ½ feet of fill in Room 54 consisted of fallen masonry and the uncharred wood of a ceiling which had been supported by two transverse pairs of cedar logs. The interstices...

Perishable: Twined Mat AMNH 29.0/9696 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Mat, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9696. Morris FS 3181. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE, NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Description. Twined Mat, possible cradleboard, 2-strand twining (S). Images: AMNH 29.0/9696A: twined mat stitched to board. AMNH 29.0/9696B: detail of elements folded over rod. AMNH 29.0/9696C: close-up of elements folded over rod. AMNH 29.0/9696C: close-up of elements folded over rod. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 138, Grave...

Perishable: Twined Mat AZRU61-9553 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Mat, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #9553. FS 165. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Long narrow rush mat, elements tied together with cordage. Measurements: 52.0 L (complete), 20.0 W (inc) CM. Images: AZRU61-9553 A: twined rush mat. AZRU61-9553 B: detail of end selvage. AZRU61-9553 C: detail of corner with three overhand knots. Recovered from Room 225, 120-140 CM bel 2nd datum, N 1/2 room, Aztec West Ruin.

Perishable: Twined Mat, AMNH 29.0/9894 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Mat, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9894. Morris FS 3378. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Twined mat or cradleboard, 2-strand twining (S), reeds, wood, and yucca fiber. Images: AMNH 29.0/9894A: twined mat or cradleboard. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 126, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 126 at the time of excavation is as follows. “The fill in Room 126 averaged 16 feet in depth. The lower 1 and one-half to 2 and one-half feet was Mesa Verde...

Perishable: Twined Object AZRU61-8142 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Object, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #8142. FS 173. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Remains of a single row of twining, coarse weave. Measurements: 2.3 L, 0.8 W CM. Images: AZRU61-8142 A: fragment of twined object. AZRU61-8142 B: fragment of twined object, other face. Recovered from Room 225,180-200 CM, 1st story fill, Aztec West Ruin.

Perishable: Twined Sandal AMNH 29.0-8789 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Sandal, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8789. Morris FS 2880. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE, NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Thick, twined, yucca fiber sandal, 2?-strand twining (S), paired warps. Images: AMNH 29.0-8789A: thick twined sandal in two pieces, upper face. AMNH 29.0-8789B: thick twined sandal in two pieces, lower face. AMNH 29.0-8789C: probable cotton textile impression on heel fragment 1. AMNH 29.0-8789D: probable cotton textile impression on heel...

Perishable: Twined Sandal AMNH 29.0/5289 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Sandal, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #5289. Morris FS 39. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Twined sandal with split tapestry design, 2-strand twining (S). Images: AMNH 29.0-5289A: twined sandal, upper face. AMNH 29.0-5289B: close-up of heel finish, upper face. AMNH 29.0-5289C: twined sandal, lower face. AMNH 29.0-5289D: close-up of toe end showing double toe loops and jogged toe, upper face. AMNH 29.0-5289E: close-up of midsection, upper face. AMNH 29.0-5289F: close-up of design at...

Perishable: Twined Sandal AMNH 29.0/7366 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Sandal, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7366. Morris FS 958. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Twined yucca sandal with colored and raised designs, 2-strand twining (S). Image: AMNH 29.0/7366A: twined sandal with colored design, upper face. AMNH 29.0/7366B: twined sandal with colored design, lower face. AMNH 29.0/7366C: oblique view showing raised design under raking light. AMNH 29.0/7366D: oblique view showing raised design. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 54, Aztec West...

Perishable: Twined Sandal AMNH 29.0/7367 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Sandal, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7367. Morris FS 959. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Twined sandal, 2-strand twining (S). Images: AMNH 29.0/7367A: small twined sandal, upper face. AMNH 29.0/7367B: small twined sandal, lower face showing raised design under raking light. AMNH 29.0/7367C: small twined sandal, lower face showing raised design. AMNH 29.0/7367D: close-up of heel showing purplish-red staining. AMNH 29.0/7367E: close-up of heel finish. Frayed yarns are paired warps. AMNH...

Perishable: Twined Sandal AMNH 29.0/7368 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Twined Sandal, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7368. Morris FS 960. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Twined sandal fragment with raised design, 2-strand twining (S). Images: AMNH 29.0/7368B: twined sandal fragment, lower face under raking light. AMNH 29.0/7368C: twined sandal fragment, lower face showing faint raised design. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 54, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:309) indicates that “The first 1 ½ feet of fill in Room 54 consisted of fallen masonry and...