Pit (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Archaeological Feature

A discrete excavation directly attributable to human activity. Use more specific term(s) if possible.

826-850 (1,464 Records)

Hohokam Farming Settlements in North Scottsdale: Archaeological Excavations at AZ U:1:183 (ASM) and AZ U:1:186 (ASM) (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

This report discusses excavation results at two Hohokam farmsteads (AZ U:1:183 [ASM] and AZ U:1:186 [ASM]) in north Scottsdale, Arizona. Data recovery investigations identified one pithouse and several extramural features at both sites. In addition, a pole-and-brush-lined surface structure was identified at AZ U:1:186 (ASM) that suggests the pithouse may have functioned as a cold-season dwelling while the surface structure served as a warm-season dwelling. Architecture and material culture...

Hohokam Irrigation and Agriculture on the Western Margin of Pueblo Grande: Archaeology for the PHX Sky Train Project (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

The results of phased data recovery efforts for the City of Phoenix Aviation Department in advance of construction of the PHX Sky Train are presented in this report. Investigations were conducted within the Sky Train's 44th Street Station area, located immediately west of 44th Street and south of the Grand Canal in Phoenix, Arizona. Twelve medium to large prehistoric canals were encountered during the project, which was an anticipated discovery given the project's location northwest of the Park...

Hohokam Settlement Along the Slopes of the Picacho Mountains, Volume 2, Part 2: The Brady Wash Sites (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Lauren Jelinek

This second part of the second volume in the Tucson Aqueduct Phase A, Hohokam Archaeological Sites, Data Recovery Project series, presents the basic descriptive data for archaeological investigations of prehistoric sites in the Brady Wash area in Reach 1 of the Tucson Aqueduct. A series of archaeological excavations and supplemental surveys were carried out between December 1983 and January 1985 under the direction of staff personnel from the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) under Contract...

Hohokam Settlement Along the Slopes of the Picacho Mountains, Volume 5: Environment and Subsistence (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Lauren Jelinek

This is the fifth volume in a six volume series presenting the results of archaeological studies at Hohokam sites along the Tucson Aqueduct.The volume focuses on pollen, flotation and faunal studies in an effort to understand the paleonenvironment of the study area during the periods the sites were occupied and the subsistence strategies of the sites' occupants. Primary site-specific emphasis is on determining feature functions as they relate to biological results. The studies presented document...

Hohokam Settlement Along the Slopes of the Picacho Mountains, Volume 6: Synthesis and Conclusions (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Lauren Jelinek

This is the sixth and final volume in the series presenting the results of archaeological investigations of Hohokam sites along Reaches 1 and 2 of the Tucson Aqueduct, Phase A, Project. The project involved the investigation of two prehistoric platform mound communities in the Picacho Mountains area, which prior to these investigations were virtually unknown. The project focused on the Brady Wash community with lesser efforts in the Picacho community. The research efforts represented by the...

Hohokam Settlement Along the Slopes of the Picacho Mountains: The Picacho Area Sites (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Lauren Jelinek

The third volume in the Tucson Aqueduct, Hohokam Studies Project presents the results of field investigations of sites in Reach 2 of the Tucson Aqueduct, Phase A project area. These investigations were directed towards both intensive and low level testing of a wide variety of sites in the area south of the Picacho Mountains and north of Red Rock, Arizona. Also reported are the results of on-call surveys of several areas outside of the aqueduct right-of-way. Investigations focused on portions of...

Homestead Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cheryl Blanchard. T. Adams.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Homestead Ruin, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The site is comprised of four historic cabins, a concrete trough, windmill, concrete cistern, well, and corral, as well as bedrock mortars, a pictograph, and sherd and lithic scatter. The file consists of a site data form, four cultural resources field inventory forms, map of the site area, map of the site location, an unlabeled site information form, and 14 black and white photographs.

Homesteading in the Depression: A Study of Two Short-Lived Homesteads in the Harquahala Valley, Arizona (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Pat H. Stein.

As a subcontractor to Northland Research, Inc., Archaeological Research Services, Inc. conducted a data recovery program at two historic sites which were affected by the construction of the Upper West Side Canal and Centennial Levee of the Central Arizona Project. Both sites are located in the Harquahala Valley of western Maricopa County, Arizona. Site AZ S:7:29(ASM) was the Enlarged (Dry Farm) Homestead of Hugh T. Stubblefield. It was occupied from 1930 or 1931 to mid 1933. Site AZ S:7:32(ASM)...

Horseshoe Dam Modifications Supplemental Cultural Resource Class III Inventory Survey and Evaluation (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven G. Dosh. T. Kathleen Henderson.

Northland Research, Inc. has completed a Class III cultural resources inventory and evaluation of areas of potential impact associated with the proposed Horseshoe Dam modifications. This survey project was designated Task 13 of the Supplemental Surveys of the Regulatory Storage Division, Central Arizona Project (Plan 6). It was conducted under Contract No. 7-CS-3-05750 issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. The project area is located entirely within the Tonto...

Howard Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steve Fuller. William Gibson.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Howard Ruin site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of a Hohokam room block or pueblo with outlying compound, artifact scatter, burial pits, trash deposit, and a roasting pit. The file consists of a heritage inventory form, hand drawn site maps, maps of the site location, a page of notes, a Forest Service Archaeological and Historical Site Inventory form, and two Central Arizona Water Control Study site descriptions. The...

Identification of the Pima Tribe No. 10, Improved Order of Red Men Plot Within the Court Street Cemetery, AZ BB:13:156 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Homer Thiel.

Archaeological testing was conducted at the Salvation Army property. Work identified 20 graves within the Improved Order of Red Men plot in the Court Street Cemetery, as well as eight prehistoric features. A portion of the property contained a single prehistoric pit and no Compliance Summary Page iii human burials. The pit was sampled. The area tested on the eastern side contained 20 graves from the Improved Order of Red Men plot, present in two separate clusters of 10 burials. Two pit houses...

Implements of Change: Tools, Subsistence, and the Built Environment of Las Capas, an Early Agricultural Irrigation Community in Southern Arizona (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

This volume presents data from large-scale archaeological excavations at the prehistoric site of Las Capas, AZ AA:12:111 (ASM). Data recovery was conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc. and included investigations at both the site itself and a well-developed associated canal, AZ AA:12:753 (ASM), and agricultural field system. An Arizona Antiquities Act permit was obtained, as Pima County, the sponsoring agency, is a subdivision of the state and, as such, is subject to the Arizona Antiquites Act....

Intensive Testing for the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

This project is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27482 Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application...

Intensive Testing for the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Artifact Photo Log (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27482 Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Intensive Testing for the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Artifact Photos (2006)
IMAGE Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.. Michael Droz.

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27482 Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Intensive Testing for the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Report (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert J. Stokes. Linda Schilling.

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27482 Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Intensive Testing of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Fieldwork Photo Log (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27482 Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Intensive Testing of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Fieldwork Photos (2005)
IMAGE Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27482 Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Interim Report: Archaeological Test Excavations at Seven Sites along the Santan Expansion Project Pipeline Corridor from Gilbert to Coolidge, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David R. Hart. Douglas B. Craig.

Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed archaeological testing at seven sites along a pipeline corridor at the request of the Salt River Project. Two of the sites, AZ U:10:2(ASM) and AZ U:14:74(ASM), are considered eligible to the National Register of Historic Places but required archaeological testing to determine the presence and extent of subsurface features within the project area prior to construction of the pipeline. The eligibility of the five remaining sites was unknown....

Interim Report: Cultural Resources Extent Testing for 11.8 Acres within the Prehistoric Site of Pueblo Del Rio (AZ T:12:116 (ASM)), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Scotty Moore. Gina Gage.

Northland Research, Inc. has completed archaeological testing within a portion of Pueblo del Rio (AZ T:12:116[ASM]), a large Hohokam habitation site located about one mile north of the Salt River. The purpose of the testing was to determine the nature, extent, and significance of subsurface cultural remains within an 11.8-acre parcel located within the previously determined boundaries of the site. The testing included limited surface collections and systematic backhoe trenching to determine if...

Interim Report: Data Recovery at Four Archaeological Sites on State Trust Land along the Santan Expansion Project Pipeline Corridor in Pinal County, Arizona (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas B. Craig. David R. Hart.

This interim report summarizes the results of archaeological data recovery on portions of four sites on State Trust land that are located along a 36-mile-long natural gas pipeline that the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) is planning to construct between Gilbert and Coolidge, Arizona (Figure 1). All of the sites are associated with the prehistoric Hohokam culture and are considered eligible for the Arizona and National Registers of Historic Places (AZ/NRHP),...

Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project, Results of Phase 1 Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:746 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jonathan B. Mabry.

As part of the archaeological mitigation program of the Arizona Department of Transportation's Interstate 10 Frontage Roads Project, the well-preserved remains of an early agricultural village were found buried in the floodplain of the Santa Cruz River during preliminary archaeological investigations at site AZ AA:12:746 (ASM) in 1993. A total of 32 prehistoric cultural features were identified, including 13 pithouses, 1 possible pithouse, 10 roasting pits, 1 trash pit, and 6 concentrations of...

Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:91 (ASM) (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Gregory.

The project discussed in this report is part of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Improvement Plan for the entire Interstate 10 corridor. A general plan for treatment of cultural resources potentially affected by the overall project has been developed by Desert Archaeology, including a project-wide research design (Mabry 1993a). Ultimately, ADOT plans to construct new frontage roads along both sides of the 1-10 freeway alignment. The current project includes the east side frontage...

Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery at AZ BB:13:110 (ASM) and AZ BB:13:159 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Timothy W. Jones. Masa Tani. Kathy Cisco. Wilson Hughes.

Two primarily historic period sites were tested within the 1-10 corridor improvement right-of- way. The Embankment site, AZ BB:13:159 (ASM), is literally eroding out of the 1-10 embankment on the east side of the interstate. It was found to contain a basalt foundation with a possible preserved basement, and it may be the remains of a historic habitation. The El Dumpé site, AZ BB:13:110 (ASM), is a large mounded trash deposit located on both sides of the interstate, dating from the 1930s through...

Investigating the Homestead-to-Farmstead Transition and Early-to-Middle Twentieth Century Social Dynamics on Cannon Air Force Base: Data Recovery Efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359 (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Peter C. Condon. Timothy B. Graves. Juan Arias. Lillian Ponce. Mel Landreth. Geo-Marine, Inc..

This report summarizes the data recovery efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359, two historic-aged sites located on Cannon Air Force Base (CAFB) in Curry County, New Mexico. This work was performed in advance of the proposed Chavez Manor Military Family Housing undertaking and in response to an unexpected discovery at the Consolidated Communications Facility construction site. Site LA 172689 is an historic homestead located immediately west of State Road 311 and north of Highway 60/84, within the...