Rock Alignment (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Archaeological Feature

Group of rocks which appear to have some cultural association. Use for possible walls, wall-like phenomena, human produced architectural oddities, rock piles, etc.

601-625 (1,025 Records)

Hohokam Archaeology Along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Volume VI: Habitation Sites on the Gila River (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

This is one of nine volumes of reports on archaeology conducted for the United States Bureau of Reclamation along the route of the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, a component of the Central Arizona Project extending a distance of 58 miles from east of Phoenix, Arizona, to the Picacho Reservoir area. Eight prehistoric habitation sites were excavated in the Florence, Arizona area, as a part of this project, representing Colonial through Classic Period Hohokam occupations in this area. This volume includes...

Hohokam Settlement Along the Slopes of the Picacho Mountains: The Picacho Area Sites (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Lauren Jelinek

The third volume in the Tucson Aqueduct, Hohokam Studies Project presents the results of field investigations of sites in Reach 2 of the Tucson Aqueduct, Phase A project area. These investigations were directed towards both intensive and low level testing of a wide variety of sites in the area south of the Picacho Mountains and north of Red Rock, Arizona. Also reported are the results of on-call surveys of several areas outside of the aqueduct right-of-way. Investigations focused on portions of...

Horseshoe Dam Borrow Area and Haul Road, Horseshoe Dam Modifications, Supplemental Cultural Resource, Class III Inventory Survey and Evaluation (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lanita C. Van Nimwegen.

Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed a Class III cultural resource survey of the Horseshoe Dam Borrow Area and Borrow Haul Road (Forest Road 479). This work was designated as Modification 03 of Task 13 of the Supplemental Surveys of the Regulatory Storage Division, Central Arizona Project (Plan 6), performed under Contract No. 7-CS-30-05750 issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. The project area is located entirely on USDA Forest Service administered...

Horseshoe Dam Modifications Supplemental Cultural Resource Class III Inventory Survey and Evaluation (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven G. Dosh. T. Kathleen Henderson.

Northland Research, Inc. has completed a Class III cultural resources inventory and evaluation of areas of potential impact associated with the proposed Horseshoe Dam modifications. This survey project was designated Task 13 of the Supplemental Surveys of the Regulatory Storage Division, Central Arizona Project (Plan 6). It was conducted under Contract No. 7-CS-3-05750 issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. The project area is located entirely within the Tonto...

Imperial County General Plan Transmission Corridor Element Draft Environmental Impact Report (1979)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Westec Services, Inc..

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Imperial County Gravel Pit (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Patrick Welch.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

An Intensive Archeological Survey of the Sudbury Training Annex, Sudbury, Massachusetts, Appendices (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joan Gallagher. Duncan Ritchie. Ann K. Davin.

This resource only includes the appendices of the report starting at page 119. The documentation relating to facility-specific resources has been integrated into the historic contexts developed for the analysis of historic resources within the Sudbury Annex. The documentation consists of a series of primary documents, including maps, secondary sources, and general thematic and historical works.

Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jerryll Moreno.

In the summers of 1979 and 1980, Arizona State University (ASU) conducted a cultural resources survey of Lake Pleasant Regional Park (LPRP) (Rice and Bostwick 1986). The completion of New Waddell Dam in 1993, increasing recreational development, and new park boundaries spurred the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to survey the park. Reclamation performed the new survey on their land to fulfill their Section 110 requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act. Upon completion of the...

Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

In the summers of 1979 and 1980, Arizona State University (ASU) conducted a cultural resources survey of Lake Pleasant Regional Park (LPRP) (Rice and Bostwick 1986). The completion of New Waddell Dam in 1993, increasing recreational development, and new park boundaries spurred the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to survey the park. Reclamation performed the new survey on their land to fulfill their Section 110 requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act. Upon completion of the...

Intensive Testing for the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

This project is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application...

Intensive Testing for the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Artifact Photo Log (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Intensive Testing for the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Artifact Photos (2006)
IMAGE Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.. Michael Droz.

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Intensive Testing for the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Report (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert J. Stokes. Linda Schilling.

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Intensive Testing of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Fieldwork Photo Log (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Intensive Testing of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Fieldwork Photos (2005)
IMAGE Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: Reclamation is assisting the San Xavier District and the San Xavier Farm Cooperative in the extensive rehabilitation of approximately 1,700 acres of active and fallow farmland along the Santa Cruz River at San Xavier. While some present and former fields will be modified to better accommodate water application from...

Investigation of Archaeological Sites Along Reach 10, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Patricia E. Brown.

Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management (OCRM), Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, completed archaeological investigations of six sites with Reach 10, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project. The project area is located just west of Skunk Creek and north of the Deem Hills, on the west side of Interstate 17. The initial phase of investigations was an archaeological survey that OCRM archaeologists conducted in February...

An Investigation of Archaic Subsistence and Settlement in the Harquahala Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Todd W. Bostwick. Owen K. Davis. Pamela C. Hatch. Johna Hutira. Suzanne M. Lewenstein. Connie L. Stone. Michael R. Waters.

Eight archaeological sites were investigated within the new right-of-way for a distribution canal and flood control structure to serve the Harquahala Valley irrigation and Drainage District. The majority of the materials in these sites, all of which were mostly surface phenomena, appear to fate to the Archaic stage, a poorly understood time in the prehistoric record of the Southwest. Analysis of data recovered suggests that these sites were campsites used during seasonal exploitation of local...

Investigations at Ojo Bonito: The 1988 Arizona State University Summer Field School (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Todd Howell.

The 1988 Arizona State University Archaeological Field School under the direction of Dr. Keith Kintiqh was held at the privately-owned Hinkson ranch just southwest of the Zuni Indian Reservation. The Hinkson ranch holds qreat research potential because of a dense prehistoric occupation (primarily Pueblo II & III) that has been relatively undisturbed by pothuntinq or other destructive processes. If the great house and great kiva of the Hinkson Complex were built and occupied after the collapse...

Investigations of Archaeological Sites Along Reach 9 Realignment, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Patricia E. Brown.

Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, completed archaeological investigations of six sites within Reach 9 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project. The project area is located about 48 km (30 mi) northwest of Phoenix and encompasses a 16 km (10 mi) long corridor. The western end of the alignment begins at U.S. Highway 60-89, southeast of Wittmann, Arizona, and continues to the...

Ister Flats Arizona Site Steward File (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text R. Neily. C. Donta. J. Howard.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Ister Flats site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of a Late Classic Sinagua room block with courtyards, trash mounds, a rock-lined pit, and artifact scatter. The file consists of a site data form, hand drawn maps of the site, maps of the site location, an artifact diversity form, a Tonto National Forest cultural resources inventory form, a Central Arizona Water Control Study site description form, and an Arizona State...

Javalina Well Arizona Site Steward File (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cheryl Blanchard.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Javalina Well site, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The site is comprised of a historic well and combat tank, as well as Hohokam rock alignments, artifact scatter, and flatbed metate. The file consists of a site data form. The earliest dated document is from 2007.

Jesuits in New France/Religious Discoveries at Fort St. Joseph Panels (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Victoria Hawley.

Two interpretive panels created for the 2009 Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project Open House discussing religious life in New France and the material remains of beliefs at Fort St. Joseph.

K-Ranch Material Sale 1982 (1982)
DOCUMENT Citation Only H. B. II Phillips.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) 1979 Archaeological Survey Project, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James B. Rodgers.

The Center for Anthropological Studies just completed an intensive archaeological survey of a second portion of Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. The actual project area includes 3,955 acres in southcentral Bernalillo County. Fifty-nine isolated artifactual materials and 12 archaeological sites were recorded. Collectively, they represent a cultural history of about 10,700 years. The three major prehistoric sites primarily reflect hunting and stone tool manufacturing activities of the Archaic...

Kirtland Air Force Base 1980 Archaeological Survey Project, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James B. Rodgers.

The Center for Anthropological Studies completed an intensive archaeological survey of about 1,253 acres located in the south-central part of Kirtland Air Force Base. Seven significant archaeological sites and 230 loci of isolated artifacts were recorded. The prehistoric archaeological resources are interpreted to represent the seasonal use of this area as a supplementary resource zone by Rio Grande Anasazi people between about A.D. 1050 and A.D. 1350. The historic resources, in contrast,...