Tent Platform (Site Type Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Archaeological Investigations: Arizona Nuclear Power Project, Salt River Project, Bureau of Land Management, State, and Private Lands, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Palo Verde to Westwing Transmission System: An Intensive Survey of the Transmission Line and Access Roads (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Pat H. Stein. Stanley Granger. Cynthia L. Freeman.

Seven archaeological sites and 26 isolated finds were recorded during a recent survey of the right-of-way and access roads for the proposed Palo Verde to Westwing Transmission Line. The sites ranged from Hohokam camps and special-purpose, limited activity sites to Anglo homesteads of the early 20th century. Other archaeological loci usually consisted of isolated sherds or a pot-drop, though one flaked tool and several pieces of ground stone were also found. The three prehistoric sites were...

A Cultural Resources Sample Survey of Operation Zones, Barry M. Goldwater Range, Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey Altschul. Bruce A. Jones.

From June to September 1989, Statistical Research conducted a non-collection Class II cultural resources survey of 5,200 acres within the R2301W segment of the Barry M. Goldwater Range in Yuma County, Arizona. The areas targeted for survey conformed to topographic surfaces on which archaeologists had found sites in the past. These areas were concentrated in the Baker Peaks and northern Copper Mountain regions as well as the eastern flanks of the Tinajas Altas and Gila Mountain ranges. The...

The Historical Archaeology of Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona
PROJECT Cindy L. Myers. A. E. Rogge. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

In June 1986, the Bureau of Reclamation awarded a three-year contract for historical archaeological studies as part of the mitigation program for the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division, designated as Plan 6. These studies involved investigations at approximately 50 archaeological sites in 7 localities. The sites were destroyed, damaged, or altered as a result of constructing Plan 6, which created a regulatory reservoir for the CAP as well as repaired or replaced other dams...

Humbug! The Historical Archaeology of Placer Mining on Humbug Creek in Central Arizona (1922)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James E. Ayers. A. E. Rogge. Everett J. Bassett. Melissa Keane. Diane L. Douglas.

In June 1986 the Bureau of Reclamation awarded Dames & Moore a contract for historical archaeological studies as part of the mitigation program for the Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) of the Central Arizona Project. While investigating dam construction camps along the Agua Fria River near Lake Pleasant, we discovered remnants of a late nineteenth century hydraulic mining complex along Humbug Creek. The southern portion of this complex is within the flood pool of the New Waddell Dam. This...