Trash Scatter (Site Type Keyword)

51-61 (61 Records)

Site Form for 3PU0438 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gary L. Shaw.

Site form for 3PU0438. Site 3PU0438 is a historic residential site or farmstead. The site area been severely impacted by bulldozing and burning. There is also a modern trash dump on top of the site. Due to the severe disturbance of the site and its relatively common site type, it is considered to be ineligible for inclusion on the NRHP and no further work is required.

Site Form for 3PU0443 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rolando L. Garza.

Site form for 3PU0443. Site 3PU0443 is a Historic site of unknown function dating to the 1940s or 1950s. Site integrity is estimated at 10% or less. There are two foundation, a small trash pile, a metal spring from a mattress, and a refuse pile of lumber and plywood. There is also some evidence of bulldozing in the area, such as small piles of soil and debris. Due to the extensive disturbance noted at site 3PU0443, it is considered to be ineligible for inclusion on the NRHP and no further work...

Site Form for 3PU0449 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rolando L. Garza.

Site form for 3PU0449. Site 3PU0449 appears to have been occupied late in the historic period and may not be of an age to make it eligible for inclusion on the NRHP. The remnants of two structures were found, along with a moderately dense surface scatter of trash. There is a lot of evidence for bulldozing in the area, leaving the site with only 5-10% contextual integrity. In view of the high degree of disturbance at the site and its apparent late date of occupation, it is considered to be...

Solo Spring Ranch Site Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Darcy Kinsman.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Solo Spring Ranch Site, comprised of two trash scatters and a partial adobe chimney, located on Bureau of Reclamation land. The file consists of a site data form.

Stage 1B Cultural Resource Investigations for the Stockbridge Research Facility, Towns of Stockbridge and Lincoln and City of Oneida, Madison County, New York (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carolyn A. Pierce.

Based on the results of a Stage 1A study, Stage IB field investigations were conducted for the Stockbridge Research Facility, located in the Towns of Stockbridge and Lincoln and City of Oneida, in Madison County, New York. The Stage 1A study determined that the Stockbridge Facility contained low, moderate and high archaeological sensitivities. Following the Stage 1A recommendations, no field testing was conducted within the areas of low sensitivity; in areas of high sensitivity; shovel tests...

Stage 2 Archaeological Investigations at the Clement Farm and Maple Sugar Area Sites, Stockbridge Research Facility, Madison County, New York (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carolyn A. Pierce. C. Stephan Demeter. Kent C. Taylor.

In 2004, Lu Engineers, was again contracted by AFRL/RRS to conduct a Stage 2 archaeological evaluation of two archaeological sites - a 19th / 20th century farmstead, the Clement Farm Site [A053-14-0005] and a possible maple sugar processing location - found during the Stage 1B field investigations in Areas A and E, respectively (Pierce 2000). The Stage 1 A, 1B and Stage 2 archaeological investigations were conducted on behalf of the United States Air Force (USAF) in conjunction with certain...

Survey Photographs, Archaeological Survey of Training Facilities at Powers Road Corner, Fort A.P. Hill (2009)
IMAGE John Mullin.

Survey Photographs taken during the archaeological survey of Training Facilities at Powers Road Corner, Fort A.P. Hill.

Survey Photographs, Site 44CE0042, Fort A.P. Hill (2008)
IMAGE Richard B. Davis.

Photographs taken of Site 44CE0042 as part of the Semi-Annual Technical Report, 72 Archaeological Surveys at Forestry Activity Areas Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia.

Survey Photographs, Site 44CE0350, Fort A. P. Hill (2009)
IMAGE John Mullin.

Photographs taken as part of the Semi-annual Technical Report, 17 Archaeological Surveys at appreciated Forestry Activity Areas Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia.

Survey Photographs, Site 44CE0656, Fort A. P. Hill (2009)
IMAGE Richard B. Davis.

Photographs taken as part of the Semi-annual Technical Report, 17 Archaeological Surveys at Forestry Activity Areas Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia.

Wirth Associates Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Transmission System, Salt River Project, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Impact Study: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Routing Alternate to Westwing Receiving Station (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard A. Brook.

Wirth Associates contracted with the Museum of Northern Arizona to conduct an archaeological impact study of a proposed Salt River Project Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Routing Alternate to Westwing Receiving Station. This study delineates areas with three levels of potential site occurence for the project area, and investigates potential effects on the cultural resources of the alternative corridors proposed by Salt River Project. A short data gathering phase, prior to field work,...