Temporary camp (Site Type Keyword)

1-10 (10 Records)

Artifact Inventory, 17 Archaeological Surveys at Forestry Activity Areas, Fort A.P. Hill (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Mullin.

The artifact inventory for the Semi-annual Technical Report 17 Archaeological Surveys at Forestry Activity Areas Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia.

CA-SBA-604: Archaeological site record for CA-SBA-604 (1970)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jessica Kekich

This document is the archaeological site record for CA-SBA-604. The record consists of 2 recordation events.

Cultural Resource Survey and Literature Review for Construction of a Proposed Sewer Line System within Area III, Sandia National Laboratories, and Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

An archaeological survey of approximately 14 acres of property situated within Area III, Sandia National Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, yielded no cultural resources. The survey was conducted for an approximate 7.4 k (4.6 mi) portion of a proposed 19.3 k ( 12 mi) long sanitary sewer system to be constructed as a trunk line and five laterals. All of the proposed alignments situated within Sandia National Laboratories Area III were surveyed at a 8 m (25 ft)...

Cultural Resources Survey Of 6.4 Acres for Sandia National Laboratories Video Technology Laboratory Facility, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

An archaeological survey of approximately 6.4 acres of property situated within Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB), Bernalillo County, New Mexico, yielded no significant cultural resources. The survey was conducted antecedent to continued use of Sandia National Laboratories Video Technology Laboratory (VTL) Facility. The permit area has been extensively disturbed by previous construction and use of the area over the past several years. Primarily due to this previous disturbance and the fact that...

Kirtland Air Force Base Project Metadata
PROJECT Uploaded by: Charlene Collazzi

Project metadata for resources within the Kirtland Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.

Phase II Cultural Resources Evaluation of Site EAFB-3897 (CA-LAN-2692, 19-002692), Air Force Plant 42, Los Angeles County, California (Draft) (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

This document presents the results of the Phase II evaluation of Site EAFB-3897 (CA-LAN-2692,19-002692) at Air Force Plant 42, conducted on 7 and 14 April 2009. This evaluation was performed in support of Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and Air Force Instruction 32-7065, Cultural Resource Management. JT3/CH2M HILL conducted the evaluation under Letter of Technical Direction 1B0220000-0001, Environmental Management Support, as part of Contract...

Semi-annual Technical Report 17 Archaeological Surveys at Forestry Activity Areas Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Mullin.

The Fort A.P. Hill Cultural Resource Manager, under the Environmental Division of the Directorate of Public Works within Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, completed Phase I archaeological survey in association with proposed forestry activities in 17 forestry blocks located in Training Areas 8, 10, 11, 12, and 15; and Controlled Access Area 07, Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia. The proposed forestry activities included two hardwood selection cuts (Block 12BC1-10 and 15ANB-09), one pine selection...

Semi-Annual Technical Report, January 2010, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001)
PROJECT Uploaded by: system user

The Fort A.P. Hill Cultural Resource Manager, under the Environmental Division of the Directorate of Public Works within Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, completed Phase I archaeological survey in association with proposed forestry activities in 17 forestry blocks located in Training Areas 8, 10, 11, 12, and 15; and Controlled Access Area 07, Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia. The proposed forestry activities included two hardwood selection cuts (Block 12BC1-10 and 15ANB-09), one pine selection...

VAFB-2019-16: Archaeological Investigations Supporting Section 106 Compliance for the D2-D4 Circuit Electric Lines Replacement Projects, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2019)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric S. Nocerino. Clayton G. Lebow.

This contractor generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the D2–D4 Circuit Electric Lines Replacement Projects. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the D2–D4 Circuit Electric Lines Replacement projects as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings...

VAFB-2020-06: Results of Archaeological Subsurface Survey Excavations in Support of the Proposed Replacement of an American Water Pressure Release Valve and Water Vault, Archaeological Site CA-SBA-1060, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Karin Olmedo.

This document is a contractor generated historic property inventory letter format report for an assessment of adverse effects associated with the proposed replacement of an American Water pressure release valve and water vault on Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) in Santa Barbara County, California. The purpose of the letter is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the replacement project as a single Section 106 and 110 compliance report. To support Section 106 compliance...