17th - 19th centuries (Temporal Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

Environmental Impact of Glass Production in Post-Medieval Estonia (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Monika Reppo.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Post-medieval Archaeology and Pollution", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Glass production is and was an industry that exhausts natural resources. The destruction of forests surrounding early post-medieval glassworks in Europe was a given - the glassworks would often simply move to the next spot after depleting their resource of fuel and potash. The extraction of sand also had an environmental impact. The...

Excavation Data, Phase II Excavations of the Brickmakers Site, Webster Field Annex (2000)
DATASET Environment And Archaeology, L.L.C..

This resource contains a Microsoft Access database that contains the artifact inventory, depth, cultural affiliation, and excavation date of each site and lot of the Phase II archaeological investigations at the Brickmakers Site, Webster Field Annex, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, St. Mary's County, Maryland.

Finding a Home in the Global Shtetl: The Archaeology of Jewish Placemaking in the Diaspora (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David M Markus.

Jews in the 17th - 19th Centuries lived perpetual ‘others,’ their lives typified by displacement, often through forced exile or social and economic ostracization. These individuals exemplified life in the Diaspora, defining their experience in juxtaposition to the regions where they lived. They marked their identity as being members of a global Jewish community all the while assimilating to the societal norms of their temporary homelands. The archaeology of the Jewish communities in North...

Phase II Archaeological Evaluation of the Brick-Makers Site (18ST688) on the Patuxent River Naval Air Station's Webster Field Annex, St. Inigoes, St. Mary's County, Maryland (2000.005)
PROJECT Laura Clifford.

In 1999, a phase II investigation of the previously identified Brick-Makers site (18ST688) was conducted by Environment and Archaeology, LLC. This investigation mitigated site destruction resulting from construction of a new hanger by the Patuxent River Naval Air Station located in St. Mary's County, Maryland. It is located in the Webster Field Annex, St. Inigoes MD, property of the Navy. The purpose of this investigation was to continue research on the historic Brick-Maker's site to determine...

The Pitch Tar Mill – the material memory of specialized production site in the town of Oulu, Northern Finland (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marika Hyttinen. Timo Ylimaunu. Titta Kallio-Seppä. Paul R. Mullins.

The town of Oulu, northern Finland, had one of the northernmost pitch tar mills in global scale. Thousands of barrels of tar were cooked into a pitch tar in the island of Pikisaari annually during the 18th and 19th centuries. The island has been specialized production site for pitch tar and ship building during the 17th and 19th centuries and metal industry at 20th century. Thus, the pitch was not the only product of the mill area. There have been found artifacts, like tools and stone ware and...