Generated identity coding sheet for Taxon
Year: 2014
This identity coding sheet was generated by tDAR for taxon - VARCHAR 39545 column from Arroyo Hondo Fauna dataset (392089) on Wed Mar 05 14:21:54 MST 2014
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Generated identity coding sheet for Taxon. 2014 ( tDAR id: 392090) ; doi:10.6067/XCV85Q4X1S
Ontology: Fauna Taxon Ontology - Southwest US
Category: Fauna
Subcategory: Taxon
Coding Rules
Code | Term | Description | Mapped Ontology Node |
?Abert's squirrel | ?Abert's squirrel | Sciurus aberti | |
?Artiodactyl | ?Artiodactyl | Artiodactyla | |
?Bird | ?Bird | Aves | |
?Bos (elk poss.) | ?Bos (elk poss.) | Bovinae | |
?Chesnut-sided pocket gopher | ?Chesnut-sided pocket gopher | Geomyidae | |
?Circus hawk | ?Circus hawk | Circus cyaneus | |
?Common Raven | ?Common Raven | Corvus corax | |
?Corvid | ?Corvid | Corvidae | |
?Cottontail | ?Cottontail | Sylvilagus sp | |
?Elk | ?Elk | Cervus elaphus | |
?Fish | ?Fish | Osteichthyes | |
?Flicker | ?Flicker | Colaptes auratus | |
?Fox or ?Dog | ?Fox or ?Dog | Urocyon or Vulpes | |
?Gopher | ?Gopher | Geomyidae | |
?Grouse | ?Grouse | Dendragapus obscurus | |
?Gunnison's Prairie Dog | ?Gunnison's Prairie Dog | Cynomys gunnisoni | |
?Hawk | ?Hawk | Buteo sp | |
?Homo sapiens | ?Homo sapiens | Mammalia | |
?Jackrabbit | ?Jackrabbit | Lepus sp | |
?Killdeer | ?Killdeer | Charadrius vociferus | |
?Lagomorph | ?Lagomorph | Lagomorpha | |
?Large Mammal | ?Large Mammal | Large Mammal | |
?Large Squirrel | ?Large Squirrel | Sciuridae | |
?Large bird | ?Large bird | large aves | |
?Lepus | ?Lepus | Lepus sp | |
?Mammal | ?Mammal | Mammalia | |
?Medium Mammal | ?Medium Mammal | Medium Mammal | |
?Medium bird | ?Medium bird | medium aves | |
?Meleagris | ?Meleagris | Meleagris gallopavo | |
?Mexican Wood Rat | ?Mexican Wood Rat | Neotoma mexicana | |
?Mule Deer | ?Mule Deer | Odocoileus hemionus | |
?Neotoma albigula | ?Neotoma albigula | Neotoma albigula | |
?Northen grasshopper mouse | ?Northen grasshopper mouse | Onychomys leucogaster | |
?Painted turtle | ?Painted turtle | Chrysemys picta | |
?Pocket Gopher | ?Pocket Gopher | Geomyidae | |
?Red squirrel | ?Red squirrel | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus | |
?Richardson's ground squirrel | ?Richardson's ground squirrel | Spermophilus sp | |
?Rodent | ?Rodent | Rodentia | |
?Small bird | ?Small bird | small aves | |
?Small galliform | ?Small galliform | Galliformes | |
?Southern Pocket Gopher | ?Southern Pocket Gopher | Thomomys umbrinus | |
?Squirrel | ?Squirrel | Sciuridae | |
?Western Harvest Mouse | ?Western Harvest Mouse | Reithrodontomys megalotis | |
?Wood Rat | ?Wood Rat | Neotoma sp | |
Abert's or rock squirrel | Abert's or rock squirrel | Spermophilus variegatus | |
Abert's squirrel | Abert's squirrel | Sciurus aberti | |
Antilocapra americana | Antilocapra americana | Antilocapra americana | |
Artiodactyl | Artiodactyl | Artiodactyla | |
Badger | Badger | Taxidea taxus | |
Bannertail kangaroo rat | Bannertail kangaroo rat | Dipodomys spectabilis | |
Bird | Bird | Aves | |
Callipepla squamata | Callipepla squamata | Callipepla squamata | |
Canis latrans | Canis latrans | Canis latrans | |
Cervid | Cervid | Cervidae | |
Chesnut-sided Pocket Gopher | Chesnut-sided Pocket Gopher | Geomys sp | |
Common crow | Common crow | Corvus brachyrhynchos | |
Common raven | Common raven | Corvus corax | |
Common toad | Common toad | Bufonidae | |
Cooper's Hawk | Cooper's Hawk | Accipiter cooperii | |
Cottontail rabbit | Cottontail rabbit | Sylvilagus sp | |
Cynomys gunnisoni | Cynomys gunnisoni | Cynomys gunnisoni | |
Deer | Deer | Odocoileus sp | |
Deer or Elk | Deer or Elk | Cervidae | |
Deer or sheep | Deer or sheep | Medium-sized artiodactyl | |
Desert cottontail | Desert cottontail | Sylvilagus audubonii | |
Dipodomys | Dipodomys | Dipodomys sp | |
Domestic sheep or goat | Domestic sheep or goat | Ovis/Capra | |
Falconiform bird | Falconiform bird | Falconidae | |
Frog or toad | Frog or toad | Anura | |
Geomyid | Geomyid | Geomyidae | |
Golden-mantled ground squirrel | Golden-mantled ground squirrel | Spermophilus lateralis | |
Golden-mantled or Richardson's ground squirrel | Golden-mantled or Richardson's ground squirrel | Spermophilus sp | |
Gopher | Gopher | Geomyidae | |
Gray fox | Gray fox | Urocyon cinereoargenteus | |
Grouse or prairie chicken | Grouse or prairie chicken | Galliformes | |
Gunnison's Prairie Dog | Gunnison's Prairie Dog | Cynomys gunnisoni | |
Hare or rabbigt | Hare or rabbigt | Lagomorpha | |
Hawk | Hawk | Accipitridae | |
Homo sapiens | Homo sapiens | Mammalia | |
Jackrabbit | Jackrabbit | Lepus sp | |
Jay | Jay | Corvidae | |
Kangeroo rat | Kangeroo rat | Dipodomys sp | |
Lagomorph | Lagomorph | Lagomorpha | |
Large Hawk | Large Hawk | Accipitridae | |
Large Mammal | Large Mammal | Large Mammal | |
Large bird | Large bird | large aves | |
Large rodent | Large rodent | Rodentia | |
Large sciurid | Large sciurid | Sciuridae | |
Large squirrel | Large squirrel | Sciuridae | |
Lepus | Lepus | Lepus sp | |
Mammal | Mammal | Mammalia | |
Med. Or Large Squirrel | Med. Or Large Squirrel | Sciuridae | |
Medium Mammal | Medium Mammal | Medium Mammal | |
Medium Squirrel | Medium Squirrel | Sciuridae | |
Medium bird | Medium bird | medium aves | |
Medium or Large Mammal | Medium or Large Mammal | Medium-Large Mammal | |
Medium or large bird | Medium or large bird | medium aves | |
Medium rodent | Medium rodent | Rodentia | |
Medium sciurid | Medium sciurid | Sciuridae | |
Meleagris gallopavi | Meleagris gallopavi | Meleagris gallopavo | |
Mourning dove | Mourning dove | Zenaida macroura | |
Mule deer | Mule deer | Odocoileus hemionus | |
Neotoma | Neotoma | Neotoma sp | |
No Data Recorded | No Data Recorded | indeterminate class | |
Nuttall's cottontail | Nuttall's cottontail | Sylvilagus nuttallii | |
Odocoileus hemionus | Odocoileus hemionus | Odocoileus hemionus | |
Ord's kangaroo rat | Ord's kangaroo rat | Dipodomys ordii | |
Peromyscus | Peromyscus | Peromyscus sp | |
Pocket Gopher | Pocket Gopher | Geomyidae | |
Prairie dog or rock squirrel | Prairie dog or rock squirrel | Spermophilus variegatus | |
Pronghorn antelope | Pronghorn antelope | Antilocapra americana | |
Red Squirrel | Red Squirrel | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus | |
Red-shafted flicker | Red-shafted flicker | Colaptes sp | |
Richardson's ground squirrel | Richardson's ground squirrel | Spermophilus sp | |
Roadrunner | Roadrunner | Geococcyx californianus | |
Rock squirrel | Rock squirrel | Spermophilus variegatus | |
Rock squirrel or gunnison's prairie dog | Rock squirrel or gunnison's prairie dog | Rodentia | |
Rodent | Rodent | Rodentia | |
Rodent or lagomorph | Rodent or lagomorph | Small Mammal | |
Rodent or rabbit | Rodent or rabbit | Small Mammal | |
Short or long-eared owl | Short or long-eared owl | Asio otus | |
Short-horned lizard | Short-horned lizard | Phrynosoma douglasii | |
Small Cricetid Roden | Small Cricetid Roden | Cricetidae | |
Small Mammal | Small Mammal | Small Mammal | |
Small Passerine | Small Passerine | Passeriformes | |
Small bird | Small bird | small aves | |
Small duck | Small duck | Medium-sized Anas sp | |
Small mouse | Small mouse | Rodentia | |
Small or Medium Mammal | Small or Medium Mammal | Small-Medium Mammal | |
Small or medium bird | Small or medium bird | small aves | |
Small or medium rodent | Small or medium rodent | Rodentia | |
Small rodent | Small rodent | Rodentia | |
Small squirrel | Small squirrel | Sciuridae | |
Snake | Snake | Serpentes | |
Southern Pocket Gopher | Southern Pocket Gopher | Geomys sp | |
Sparrow hawk | Sparrow hawk | Falco sparverius | |
Spermophilus cf. spilosoma | Spermophilus cf. spilosoma | Spermophilus spilosoma | |
Spotted ground squirrel | Spotted ground squirrel | Spermophilus spilosoma | |
Squirrel | Squirrel | Sciuridae | |
Squirrel or Wood Rat | Squirrel or Wood Rat | Rodentia | |
Striped skunk | Striped skunk | Mephitis mephitis | |
Sylvilagus | Sylvilagus | Sylvilagus sp | |
Tamiasciurus hudsonicon | Tamiasciurus hudsonicon | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus | |
Taxidea Taxus | Taxidea Taxus | Taxidea taxus | |
Thomomys bottae | Thomomys bottae | Thomomys bottae | |
Turtle | Turtle | Testudinidae | |
Western harvest mouse | Western harvest mouse | Reithrodontomys megalotis | |
White throated or southern plains wood rat | White throated or southern plains wood rat | Neotoma sp | |
White-footed mouse | White-footed mouse | Peromyscus sp | |
White-footed or grasshopper mouse | White-footed or grasshopper mouse | Rodentia | |
White-necked raven | White-necked raven | Corvus sp | |
Wood rat | Wood rat | Neotoma sp | |
cf. Abert's Squirrel | cf. Abert's Squirrel | Sciurus aberti | |
cf. Artiodactyl | cf. Artiodactyl | Artiodactyla | |
cf. Badger | cf. Badger | Taxidea taxus | |
cf. Bos (elk poss.) | cf. Bos (elk poss.) | Cervus elaphus | |
cf. Branta canadensis | cf. Branta canadensis | Branta canadensis | |
cf. Bufo toad | cf. Bufo toad | Bufonidae | |
cf. Buteo hawk | cf. Buteo hawk | Buteo sp | |
cf. Canis | cf. Canis | Canis sp | |
cf. Canis latrans | cf. Canis latrans | Canis latrans | |
cf. Chesnut-sided pocket gopher | cf. Chesnut-sided pocket gopher | Geomys sp | |
cf. Common Raven | cf. Common Raven | Corvus corax | |
cf. Cooper's hawk | cf. Cooper's hawk | Accipiter cooperii | |
cf. Cottontail | cf. Cottontail | Sylvilagus sp | |
cf. Deer | cf. Deer | Odocoileus sp | |
cf. Desert cottontail | cf. Desert cottontail | Sylvilagus audubonii | |
cf. Didpodomys | cf. Didpodomys | Dipodomys sp | |
cf. Domestic cow | cf. Domestic cow | Bos taurus | |
cf. Geomyid | cf. Geomyid | Geomyidae | |
cf. Gopher | cf. Gopher | Geomys sp | |
cf. Gunnison's Prairie Dog | cf. Gunnison's Prairie Dog | Cynomys gunnisoni | |
cf. Homo sapiens | cf. Homo sapiens | Mammalia | |
cf. Jackrabbit | cf. Jackrabbit | Lepus sp | |
cf. Lagomorph | cf. Lagomorph | Lagomorpha | |
cf. Large bird | cf. Large bird | large aves | |
cf. Large mammal | cf. Large mammal | Large Mammal | |
cf. Large squirrel | cf. Large squirrel | Sciuridae | |
cf. Lepus | cf. Lepus | Lepus sp | |
cf. Mammal | cf. Mammal | Mammalia | |
cf. Marsh hawk | cf. Marsh hawk | Circus cyaneus | |
cf. Medium Mammal | cf. Medium Mammal | Medium Mammal | |
cf. Medium Squirrel | cf. Medium Squirrel | Sciuridae | |
cf. Medium bird | cf. Medium bird | medium aves | |
cf. Meleagris gallopavi | cf. Meleagris gallopavi | Meleagris gallopavo | |
cf. Nuttall's cottontail | cf. Nuttall's cottontail | Sylvilagus nuttallii | |
cf. Odocoileus | cf. Odocoileus | Odocoileus sp | |
cf. Painted turtle | cf. Painted turtle | Chrysemys picta | |
cf. Peromyscus | cf. Peromyscus | Peromyscus sp | |
cf. Prairie Dog | cf. Prairie Dog | Cynomys sp | |
cf. Pronghorn | cf. Pronghorn | Antilocapra americana | |
cf. Red squirrel | cf. Red squirrel | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus | |
cf. Richardson's ground squirrel | cf. Richardson's ground squirrel | Spermophilus sp | |
cf. Rock squirrel | cf. Rock squirrel | Spermophilus variegatus | |
cf. Rodent | cf. Rodent | Rodentia | |
cf. Sciurus aberti | cf. Sciurus aberti | Sciurus aberti | |
cf. Screech owl | cf. Screech owl | Megascops asio | |
cf. Small bird | cf. Small bird | small aves | |
cf. Southern Pocket Gopher | cf. Southern Pocket Gopher | Thomomys umbrinus | |
cf. Squirrel | cf. Squirrel | Sciuridae | |
cf. Swainson's hawk | cf. Swainson's hawk | Buteo swainsoni | |
cf. Sylvilagus | cf. Sylvilagus | Sylvilagus sp | |
cf. Sylvilagus auduboni | cf. Sylvilagus auduboni | Sylvilagus audubonii | |
cf. Tamiasciurus hudsonicon | cf. Tamiasciurus hudsonicon | Tamiasciurus sp | |
cf. White-footed mouse | cf. White-footed mouse | Peromyscus sp | |
cf. Wood Rat | cf. Wood Rat | Neotoma sp | |
cf. Yellow-bellied sapsucker | cf. Yellow-bellied sapsucker | Sphyrapicus varius | |
cf. antilocapra americana | cf. antilocapra americana | Antilocapra americana | |
cf. bird | cf. bird | Aves | |
cf. hawk | cf. hawk | Buteo sp | |
cf. medium or large mammal | cf. medium or large mammal | Large Mammal | |
cf. mourning dove | cf. mourning dove | Zenaida macroura | |
cf. ord's kangaroo rat | cf. ord's kangaroo rat | Dipodomys ordii | |
cf. red- or yellow-shafted flicker | cf. red- or yellow-shafted flicker | Colaptes sp | |
cf. red-shafted flicker | cf. red-shafted flicker | Colaptes sp | |
cf. red-tailed hawk | cf. red-tailed hawk | Buteo jamaicensis | |
cf. sharp-shinned hawk | cf. sharp-shinned hawk | Accipiter striatus | |
mammal or bird | mammal or bird | indeterminate class | |
rabbit-sized mammal | rabbit-sized mammal | indeterminate class: small animal | |
scaled quail | scaled quail | Callipepla squamata | |
Special Coding Rules: These entries are not in the coding-sheet, but represent edge-cases in Data Integration that may benefit from custom mappings | |||
The following coding rules exist in datasets mapped to this coding sheet, but are not in the coding sheet | |||
No Recorded Data | |||
Desert cottontail (Note: this code has trailing spaces) | |||
No Data |
This Coding Sheet is Used by the Following Datasets:
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
Generated-identity-coding-sheet-for-Taxon.csv | 8.80kb | Oct 22, 2014 9:05:01 AM | Public |