Spielmann/Kintigh - Fauna Ontologies - Current
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-28 of 28)
- Ontologies (28)
Fauna Age Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Anterior-Posterior Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Burning Extent Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Burning Extent Ontology
Fauna Burning Intensity Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Fauna Burning Intensity Ontology
Fauna Butchering Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Fauna Butchering Ontology
Fauna Completeness Ontology (2012)
Updated Fauna Completeness Taxonomy using special characters in Labels
Fauna Condition Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Fauna Condition Ontology. See also Fauna Completeness Ontology for an alternative condition-related ontology.
Fauna Confidence in Identification Ontology (2012)
Defaul SW Faunal Working Group Suggestion
Fauna Digestion Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Fauna Digestion Ontology
Fauna Dorsal-Ventral Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Element Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Erosion Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Fauna Erosion/PreservationOntology
Fauna Fusion Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Gnawing Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Fauna Gnawing Ontology
Fauna Measurements-Made Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Fauna Measurements Ontology
Fauna Origin of Fragmentation Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Breakage Ontology
Fauna Pathologies Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Proximal-Distal/Portion Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Recovery Method Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Fauna Recovery Method Ontology
Fauna Sex Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Side Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Taxon Ontology - TAG (UK) (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
TAG fauna Ontology with Fishes Added
Fauna Weathering Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Fauna Worked Bone Ontology (2012)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
SW Faunal Working Group Ontology.
Outdated: Fauna Completeness (Old Labels) Ontology (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
no description provided
Outdated: Fauna Taxon Ontology - Eastern US (2010)
ONTOLOGY Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Ontology for Vertebrate taxa & Molluscs - Eastern US.
Problem: Fauna Taxon Ontology - Southwest US (2012)
SW Fauna Taxon Ontology
SW Faunal Working Group - Working Context Ontology (2013)
Working ontology for SW faunal contexts, a combination of deposit type and intrasite context