Part of: Iroquoian Ceramic Data
The Buyea or Buyer site, Ond 13-3, is an Oneida village site dating to the mid-15th century. It is located in Lincoln Township, Madison Co. Sample = 177 vessels (none whole). The combined collections of Stanford Gibson of Norwich, Richard Hosback of Norwich, Joe Grzibowski of South New Berlin, Edward Gibson of Norwich, and Francis Barone of East Syracuse = 169. Sherds in this temporarily combined collection were cross-checked to see if any were from the same vessel. Colgate Univ. = 8. These ceramic attributes were recorded in 1969.
Investigation Types
Collections Research
Material Types
Temporal Keywords
Late Woodland
Geographic Keywords
US (ISO Country Code) •
United States of America (Country) •
New York (State / Territory) •
New York State •
North America (Continent)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-3 of 3)
Buyea Site Regrouped Ceramic Data (1969)
ceramic data from the Buyea Site (Oneida) with regrouped attributes
Buyer (1969)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: William Engelbrecht
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Buyer Site Ceramic Data (1969)
ceramic data from the Buyer Site (Oneida area)