
Part of: Beaufort County, SC

All archaeological grey literature and data relating to the Bluffton area in Beaufort County in South Carolina within the past 50 years. The information found here is held within the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology and has been deemed accessible and usable for public research.

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  • Document (1)

  • Cultural Resources Survey of Hampton Lake Tract 4 (2006)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric C. Poplin. Mallory Chambliss.

    Archaeologists with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of Hampton Lake Tract 4 in Beaufort County, South Carolina. The project tract contains 7.6 acres lying immediately west of Old Miller Road near the community of Pritchardville. Systematic shovel testing discovered one archaeological site, 38BU2176. The site contains Pre-Contact ceramic and lithic artifacts associated with Refuge and Deptford occupations. We recommend the site not eligible for the National...