Phase II Investigations, Site 18FR74, Ft. Detrick Water Treatment Plant, Fort Detrick (2005.023)
Part of: Fort Detrick, Maryland
This collection includes the report on findings of a Phase II archeological evaluation of a portion of Site 18FR74 located at the Fort Detrick Water Treatment Plant, City of Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland and accompanying artifact catalog.
The objectives of the Phase II evaluation of Site 18FR74 included the definition of the horizontal and vertical limits of the site, temporal placement of the site, site function, and characterization of the depositional integrity of the site within the APE. Investigation emphasized the upland setting of the site which will be directly disturbed by the proposed water line. No disturbance or development is currently proposed within the floodplain. Field methods included the excavation of 17 shovel test pits and five 1-x-1-meter test excavation units, in addition to the analysis of the project area by a geomorphologist.
The evaluation recovered 617 artifacts, primarily including later stage reduction debitage. Temporally diagnostic artifacts recovered include a Late Woodland Levanna projectile point, Late Woodland Shepard ceramic, early Late Woodland Page ceramic, and an unidentified, net or fabric impressed, quartz tempered ceramic. No subsurface features were identified. Much of the site has been disturbed by the treatment plant, past agricultural activities and erosion. Consistent with the findings of the previous investigation, the upland portion of the site revealed an activity area related to the later stages of stone tool manufacture recovered from a mixed deposit. Limited testing on the floodplain revealed the presence of a buried cultural horizon containing prehistoric artifacts. Significance is evaluated through application of the National Park Service Criterion for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. Of the four evaluation criteria, prehistoric sites are normally evaluated under Criterion D, which pertains to a site’s ability to contribute to the understanding of prehistoric lifeways.
This collection contains artifact inventories and photographs for archaeological resources collected during Phase II excavations at the Beall House. The MAC Lab accession number for the artifacts is 2005.023. This collection also includes the project page Phase II Investigations, Site 18FR74, Ft. Detrick Water Treatment Plant, Fort Detrick (2005.023).
Site Name Keywords
Site Type Keywords
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Archaeological Feature
Other Keywords
Chert •
Quartz •
Rhyolite •
Levanna Projectile Point •
Shepard Ware •
Selby Bay side notched •
Phase II Investigation •
Page ceramic •
Culture Keywords
Woodland •
Middle Woodland •
Late Woodland •
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Historic Background Research •
Heritage Management
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Glass •
Temporal Keywords
Prehistoric •
Geographic Keywords
US (ISO Country Code) •
United States of America (Country) •
Frederick County (County) •
Maryland (State / Territory) •
North America (Continent) •
Monocacy River •
Monocacy drainage •
Fort Detrick •
Maryland Archaeological Research Unit #17