Phase II Investigations of Sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island (2001.049)
Part of: US Navy Bloodsworth Island, Maryland
This collection contains an artifact inventory and a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Registration Form for artifacts collected during phase II investigations at Bloodsworth Island, Maryland. The MAC Lab accession number for these documents is 2001.049. This collection also includes the project page Phase II Investigations of Sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island, Maryland (2001.049).
The Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District lies within Dorchester County, Maryland, and is located in the eastern-shore section of the Coastal Plain physiographic province. The proposed boundary comprises the northern third of Bloodsworth Island, which lies in the central portion of the Chesapeake Bay. This district consists of four contributing resources: Site 18DO79, the Bloodsworth family cemetery; Site 18DO80, a domestic site associated with the second half of the nineteenth century; the third, Site 18DO81, is a domestic site associated with the early part of the twentieth century; Site 18DO407 is a multi-component late-woodland and late-eighteenth-century/early-nineteenth century artifact scatter. Historic research suggests that these sites were associated with families who worked in the nineteenth-century Chesapeake Bay oystering industry. Site 18DO79 occupies a portion of overgrown low ridge on the south nose of Fin Creek Ridge east of Fin Creek while 18DO80 lies at the northern most tip of Fin Creek Ridge, which is covered with briar, grass, and shrubs. Site 18DO81 is located on a slightrise on the western side of Fin Creek and is covered with briar, brush, cedar saplings, and grass. Site 18DO407 is located along the beach and banks of the Island’s northern shore approximately 900 feet north of Site 18DO407. Although overgrown with dense vegetation, sites 18DO79, 18DO80, and 18DO81 retain archaeological integrity. During Phase II investigations, no evidence of disturbance was identified at Site 18DO79. Original white granite headstones and footers were located in situ. The archaeological investigation of Site 18DO80 resulted in the identification of a brick chimney base, two brick paved walkways, and several domestic refuse deposits. Additional landscape features identified included a ditch and berm system that surrounded the site, presumably to control incoming tides, a low causeway that ran southward toward Site 18DO79, and an embanked stock pond. Archaeological investigation of Site 18DO81 resulted in the identification of a four-course brick house pier; an oval oyster shell midden that included a high number of historic artifacts; an unexcacvated shell midden; a dark soil deposit that yielded historic artifacts; a deposition of clam shell refuse associated with a makeshift boat landing; an embanked stock pond; and, finally, a segment of ditch and berm presumably used for drainage. Site 18DO407 consists of prehistoric and historic artifacts recovered along the beach and bank of the shoreline. Site 18DO407 was not evaluated at the Phase II level, so its integrity is unknown; however, sites 18DO80 and 18DO81 retain integrity of location, design, and materials while Site 18DO79 retains integrity of location, workmanship, and association. These sites contain enough information to reconstruct settlement and activity loci distribution as well as individual site structure, intrasite settlement, and past landscape use.
Site Name Keywords
18DO80 •
18DO81 •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Settlements •
Domestic Structures •
Archaeological Feature
Other Keywords
Phase II •
Navy •
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Fauna •
Glass •
Metal •
Temporal Keywords
Prehistoric •
Geographic Keywords
Dorchester County (County) •
Maryland (State / Territory) •
Chesapeake Bay •
Bloodsworth Island
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-3 of 3)
Phase II Investigations of Sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island (2001.049)
This project contains an artifact catalog for phase II investigations of sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island, Maryland, as well as the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Registration Form, Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District. The Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District lies within Dorchester County, Maryland, and is located in the eastern-shore section of the Coastal Plain physiographic province. The proposed boundary comprises the northern third of...
Artifact Inventory, Sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island (2003)
This record contains an artifact catalog for phase II investigations of sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island, Maryland.
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Registration Form, Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District (2001)
This record contains the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Registration Form for the Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District and includes sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island, Maryland. The Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District lies within Dorchester County, Maryland, and is located in the eastern-shore section of the Coastal Plain physiographic province. The proposed boundary comprises the northern third of Bloodsworth Island, which lies in the central...