Phase I and Phase II Investigations, MCB Training Areas, Quantico (QU2011.001)
Part of: Quantico, Prince William County, Virginia
This collection contains artifact photographs, and field photographs with accompanying photograph logs, detailing multiple sites located at Quantico, Virginia.
Site Name Keywords
4702 •
44PW1797 •
44PW1802 •
44PW1880 •
44PW1881 •
44PW1897 •
Davis House •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Artifact Scatter
Culture Keywords
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Heritage Management
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Building Materials •
Glass •
Metal •
Temporal Keywords
20th Century
Geographic Keywords
US (ISO Country Code) •
United States of America (Country) •
Prince William County (County) •
Virginia (State / Territory) •
North America (Continent) •
Potomac River •
Quantico •
Marine Corps Base Quantico
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-24 of 24)
Phase I and Phase II Investigations, MCB Training Areas, Quantico (QU2011.001)
PROJECT Uploaded by: system user
This project contains artifact photographs, and field photographs with accompanying photograph logs, detailing multiple sites located at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia.
Artifact Data, 4702 Phase I & II, Quantico (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: system user
Spreadsheet containing information on artifacts covered at each site of area 4702 during Phase I and Phase II investigations, located at Quantico, Virginia.
Artifact Photographs, 4702 Phase I, Quantico (2011)
IMAGE Uploaded by: system user
Photographs detailing artifacts collected during Phase I investigations of 4702 located at Quantico, Virginia. Within the same project is an accompanying photograph log.
Artifact Photographs, 4702 Phase II, Quantico (2011)
IMAGE Uploaded by: system user
Images of artifacts collected during Phase II investigations at 4702 located at Quantico, Virginia. Within the same project is an accompanying photograph log.
Field Photographs, 44PW1797, Quantico (2011)
Survey images of site 44PW1797 located at Quantico, Virginia. Also included within the same project is a detailed log of the photographs.
Field Photographs, 44PW1802, Quantico (2010)
Survey photographs of site 44PW1802 located at Quantico, Virginia. Included in the same project is an accompanying photograph log.
Field Photographs, 44PW1860, Quantico (2010)
Survey Photographs detailing site 44PW1860 located at Quantico, Virginia. Extensive images have been taken of excavations, and include unit and area information. Within the same project is an accompanying photograph log.
Field Photographs, 44PW1880, Quantico (2011)
Survey images of site 44PW1880 located at Quantico, Virginia. Within the same project is an accompanying photograph log.
Field Photographs, 44PW1881, Quantico (2011)
Survey photographs of site 44PW1881 located at Quantico, Virginia. Within the same project is an accompanying detailed photograph log.
Field Photographs, 44PW1897, Quantico (2011)
Survey photographs of site 44PW1897 located at Quantico, Virginia. Within the same project is an accompanying detailed photograph log.
Field Photographs, Davis House, Quantico (2010)
Survey photographs of the Davis House site located at Quantico, Virginia. Within the same project is an accompanying detailed photograph log.
Field Photographs, Survey Area 1, Quantico (2010)
Survey photographs detailing Survey Area 1 located at Quantico, Virginia. Within the same project is an accompanying detailed log of the site photographs.
Field Photographs, Survey Area 3, Quantico (2010)
Survey photographs detailing Survey Area 3 located at Quantico, Virginia. Within the same project is an accompanying log detailing each image of the site.
Photograph Layouts, 4702 Phase I, Quantico (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user
Detailed photographs of artifacts from Phase I investigations of 4702, located at Quantico, Virginia. Registrar numbers are also included.
Photograph Layouts, 4702 Phase II, Quantico (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user
Detailed photographs of artifacts located during Phase II investigations at 4702 located at Quantico, Virginia. The photograph log also includes specific catalog numbers of each artifact.
Photograph Log, 44PW1797, Quantico (2011)
Log accompanying survey photographs of site 44PW1797 located at Quantico, Virginia.
Photograph Log, 44PW1802, Quantico (2011)
Log accompanying survey photographs taken of site 44PW1802 located at Quantico, Virginia.
Photograph Log, 44PW1860, Quantico (2011)
Log accompanying survey photographs taken at site 44PW1860 located at Quantico, Virginia.
Photograph Log, 44PW1880, Quantico (2011)
Log accompanying survey photographs of site 44PW1880 located at Quantico, Virginia.
Photograph Log, 44PW1881, Quantico (2011)
Log accompanying survey photographs taken of site 44PW1881 located at Quantico, Virginia.
Photograph Log, 44PW1897, Quantico (2011)
Log accompanying survey photographs of site 44PW1897 located at Quantico, Virginia.
Photograph Log, Davis House, Quantico (2010)
Log accompanying survey photographs taken of the Davis House site located at Quantico, Virginia.
Photograph Log, Survey Area 1, Quantico (2010)
Log accompanying survey photographs detailing Survey Area I located at Quantico, Virginia.
Photograph Log, Survey Area 3, Quantico (2010)
Log accompanying survey photographs detailing Survey Area 3 located at Quantico, Virginia.