Part of: Iceland
The Siglunes site encompasses a Settlement Era (ca. AD 871) farm mound located on mainland and a series of eroding fishing structures found along the southern and western coasts of the peninsula protruding to the west from the mainland area. The site may have been occupied continuously through the ost-medieval period and the last permanent Siglunes inhabitants moved away from the site in the 1970s. Small-scale research and rescue excavations were carried out between 2011 and 2013.
Post-excavation analysis of Siglunes materials is ongoing.
Site Type Keywords
Water-Related •
Specialized Fishing Site •
Subsistence, Trade, and Exchange
Culture Keywords
North Atlantic Archaeology
Geographic Keywords
Republic of Iceland (Country) •
Nordhurland Eystra (State / Territory) •
IS (ISO Country Code) •
Europe (Continent)