
Part of: Iceland

The Siglunes site encompasses a Settlement Era (ca. AD 871) farm mound located on mainland and a series of eroding fishing structures found along the southern and western coasts of the peninsula protruding to the west from the mainland area. The site may have been occupied continuously through the ost-medieval period and the last permanent Siglunes inhabitants moved away from the site in the 1970s. Small-scale research and rescue excavations were carried out between 2011 and 2013.

Post-excavation analysis of Siglunes materials is ongoing.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-2 of 2)

  • The Siglunes Archaeofauna, I. Report of the Viking Age and Medieval Faunal Remains. (2014)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Ramona Harrison.

    This report provides initial analysis of the Siglunes faunal collections rescued in 2011 and 2012. Currently, there are limited data sets available, mainly a breakdown of the major taxa, and selected fish elements, all gadids or members of the codfish family, and a majority thereof cod (Gadus morhua). One context from Mound E, 187/184, has been analyzed in its entirety. Radiocarbon Analysis places this context into the 14th c. Analysis of the marine fish remains from this context’s provides a...

  • Siglunes_database_3_25_15 (2015)
    DATASET Ramona Harrison.

    Access database of currently analyzed Siglunes archaeofauna.